Content by TA Teams for TA Teams
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- Kevin Wheeler
Do you know people with bachelor’s degrees or higher who drive Ubers, work at lower-level jobs or struggle to find good jobs? If so, you are not alone.
Every CEO and recruiter claims a talent shortage, yet we have the most highly educated talent supply ever. So how can Talent navigate this changing landscape? Find out what Talent Futurist Kevin Wheeler thinks the way forward will be.
- Allen Russell, Jenna Molan
We were delighted when Allen agreed to answer 3 quick questions about his upcoming ATC2024 session - using Talent Intelligence for Talent Advisory. Read on to hear how Adobe embarked on a data intelligence journey and what this massive undertaking entailed.
- Jo Vohland
Return to the office is back in the news again. Using RTO as a blunt instrument ignores key factors like diversity and what candidates are looking for in their work and lives. Find out how to get the most out of your Talent Pool by going on life's journey with your potential employees.
- Kevin Wheeler
Kevin reflects on the advancement of AI in the Talent industry, particularly how data, analytics and algorithms can be used in recruitment today.
- Adam McKinnon, Courtenay Howard-Bath
- Alisha Hook, Kunal Gokuldas, Pavi Iyer, Simon Hedt, Steve Scannell