Do you have fresh insights or hot takes on the latest happenings in the world of talent? Whether you’ve got something to say about diversity and inclusion, talent analytics, sourcing, or employer branding, we’d love to hear it!

We selectively accept contributions from professionals in the recruitment/talent acquisition industry. Here’s how it works and some tips on getting published.

What we look for

  • Articles submitted for consideration must be of interest to our readers (i.e. recruitment and talent acquisition professionals) and preferably be written in a casual, informal tone that’s appropriate for our blog;
  • The article must be written by a person (i.e. a subject matter expert, a talent acquisition practitioner, a talent leader), not a PR or marketing department;
  • We like original articles that introduce new ideas and trends that advance talent conversations around the following topics: candidate experience, contingent workforce, workforce planning, workforce analytics, diversity, employer branding, data & analytics, automation & artificial intelligence, HR technology, recruitment marketing, sourcing, talent management;
  • We appreciate engaging, polished writing that is based on accurate research and balanced with a little fun or anecdote that helps to illustrate your point;
  • Please avoid over-the-top self-promotion – you won’t want our audience to be turned off don’t you?

How to submit

  • Complete the form below;
  • Articles must be 800-1000 words;
  • Include a bio (approx. 100 words) of the author;
  • Please do not send story pitches, abstracts, outlines, or interview offers.

What to expect if we accept your article

  • All articles are subject to editing, including headlines and subheads;
  • Content may be edited for style, tone or substance;
  • Art and links will be added at the discretion of our editor.

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