Long Lunch Series for Talent Leaders

Our Talent Leader lunches take place throughout the year and bring together up to 25 Talent Leaders to discuss one key topic in detail while enjoying a gourmet meal and drinks.

Each lunch is held within 3kms of the CBD in a major city in Australia and run from 12pm – 2:30pm. The only cost to attend is your time.

Talent leaders and senior specialists from a variety of companies; a great opportunity to meet with peers, old and new!

Join us for Lunch

Register your interest below and we’ll let you know when we have a lunch coming up in the location and topic that matches your role.


Past Long Lunches for Talent Leaders

Host a Lunch​

Interested in co-hosting a lunch with ATC?

Our Talent Leader Lunches allow you to engage with up to 25 Talent Leaders in a more intimate environment, and can be held in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane or Perth.

Contact jo@atcevents.com.au for more information.