Content by TA Teams for TA Teams
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- The Conversation
Less than a month after Amazon announced employees would need to give up their flexible work arrangements and return to the office full-time, new research has reinforced the value of a flexible work culture. Sounds surprising? Read on.
- Kevin Wheeler
Do you know people with bachelor’s degrees or higher who drive Ubers, work at lower-level jobs or struggle to find good jobs? If so, you are not alone.
Every CEO and recruiter claims a talent shortage, yet we have the most highly educated talent supply ever. So how can Talent navigate this changing landscape? Find out what Talent Futurist Kevin Wheeler thinks the way forward will be.
- Kevin Wheeler
Today's work environment is more flexible, creative, and focused on results rather than process than in the past. This transformation has freed workers from traditional work constraints and opened up new possibilities for how and where work can be done. Kevin shares his insights into the strategic role of Talent Facilitators - opening opportunities for those who work in Talent
- Jo Vohland
Delivered in partnership with our friends at Paradox, the 2024 State of Talent Acquisition Report is a resource for Talent Teams to get a better idea of where Talent Acquisition is headed and provide benchmark data against which to review their own function.
Find out what the current state of talent acquisition is, understand the challenges ahead, and benchmark your talent team against the industry average. Download the report now.