Content by TA Teams for TA Teams

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We sat down with Aurelio and asked him 3 quick questions about his upcoming session at ATC2024, reviving TA's brand when trust is gone. Aurelio highlights the importance of a customer service mindset, keeping trust as a part of regular conversations and much more (including a surprising restaurant recommendation in Melbourne!)
Petey considers how TA and business can better engage with the next generation by adapting to the needs and expectations of millennials and Gen Z, noting it is not just beneficial but essential.
HR and Recruitment have often felt like 2 separate functions that just work out of the same office. But as the way we work evolves, many modern TA leaders are thinking it’s time to get the band back together. Here are some examples of how Talent Leaders from global organisations have unified elements traditionally thought of as "HR" into the TA function.
While it's now illegal to restrict employees from openly discussing their salary, it's still generally "not the done thing." But, not talking about salaries can cause problems with pay gaps (by perpetuating implicit bias), and also with employees who mistakenly think they are underpaid. You may not be ready for it now, but there are plenty of reasons for your organisation to start moving towards a model of salary transparency. 
Design Centred Thinking is frequently employed by product development and digital teams, but there's good reason why Talent Acquisition Teams should be using this methodology to help solve critical talent problems. Here's a run down of how TA teams can use Design Centred Thinking, including an example of a Candidate Experience re-development project.