Do you have an initiative that you’re particularly proud of? Share your story and outcomes with the community!

BLOG – we share lots of different styles of content – musings, thought-provoking articles, research outcomes etc. Send your article or query to our Editor.

SPEAK – Send a session overview on your topic to our Curator.

RESOURCES – Share your Case Study, Templates or Resources: We’ve been sharing free practitioner supplied talent resources and slide decks for our community for over a decade – back when people were still learning about what Crowd Sourcing and Open Sourcing was all about.

Here’s what we need for an internal Case Study:

  • Author Bio Three sentences on who you are, what you do & where you work
  • Challenges & Aspirations Tell us about the problem you were solving & what you were aspiring to create
  • What does success look like What metrics and outcomes define success
  • The Initiative An overview on your concept/initiative/solution
  • Buy-In Who did you need to get buy-in from to make it happen
  • Resources Tech, budget, people – what did you use to make it happen
  • The Roll Out Tell us about how you made it happen
  • Outcomes Did you achieve the outcomes you were aiming for?
  • What You Do Differently If you went back and did it all again, what are the key learning, failures etc.
  • Wrap Up Key takeaways If you want to talk it through, call our Curator on +61 3 8621 6688 or click here to email the Team.