ATC most read articles of 2020

If you missed them earlier, now is the perfect time to catch up on some of the most popular articles on our blog this year.

And if you have read them before, what better way to cap off the year than to relive some of these favourites that totally rocked your world!

Also a big shout out to all our blog contributors – thank you!

So without further ado, here we go the top 10 most read articles in 2020:

10: Employer brands: are you a fortune teller or a lion tamer?

Kicking us off is an article from Meagan Michaels on the key areas we need to consider as we look to improve our employer brand post-COVID. With employer branding being one of top priorities for TA in 2021 according to a survey we ran recently, this is a super relevant article we should all read.

9: 1-on-1 with James Witcombe: AFCA dials up candidate care as internal applications boom

In this 1-on-1 series, ATC Squad’s James Witcombe sits down with Talent leaders from around Australia to find out how they are managing in a COVID environment. He speaks to Ryan Biggs in this popular issue and there is much more in this series, do check them out.

8: How Stellar went beyond the resume & gained 24/7 access to their candidates

Getting to Talent who are only available after hours can be challenging. Find out how Stellar overcame this without compromising on candidate experience.

7: 6 ways to make your meetings more inclusive for introverts

Glen Cathey was one of the most popular speakers at our ATC2020 DIGITAL where he presented a session on introversion. Here, he further elaborates why and how creating an introversion friendly work environment can help you and your team benefit from diversity of thought.

6: 7 Talent hunters share how they run effective candidate phone interviews

This long running series is consistently one of the favourites and we reckon this issue got additional hits because of the pandemic forcing us to WFH. Phone interviews can be tricky, especially when you are deprived of visual cues to help you make an assessment. Have a read to see how your peers are doing it effectively.

5: The Australia Post Talent Story – enhancing the assessment process for casual Talent at scale

The Talent Story series was designed to offer a peek into the inner workings of Talent functions across different organisations in Australasia. This post shines the spotlight on Australia Post and how they went about hiring a whooping 2,500 casual Talent during holiday peak season. Join Spencer Timmins as he takes you through their story.

4: Do we need internal recruiting at all?

This is Kevin Wheeler at his inquisitive (or some say provocative) best. Many Talent functions have come under huge amount of stress during recent times and there is renewed concerns over its value to an organisation. Is RPO the way forward or can internal teams reinvent themselves? Have a read.

3: Moving from unconscious bias to conscious inclusion (while avoiding tokenism)

At number 3 is an excellent D&I piece that stood out amongst all the other D&I articles that we have read recently. Maybe that is why this article is so popular. The arguments are strong and well written, plus it is so eloquently put. Everyone should read this.

2: How ANZ embraced ethical AI technology to drive a better graduate recruitment experience

Informative interview with Cholena Orr, Head of Graduate Recruitment at ANZ, on how they are introducing fun to the grad recruitment space, all while ensuring that their performance and values are not compromised. Click to learn more.

1: TikTok: The secret employer brand and recruiting weapon

Is TikTok the next big thing for recruitment? Not many employers have used this effectively – yet. Paul Jacobs did an excellent presentation at ATC2020 DIGITAL showcasing the few companies who are nailing it. Either way this post surely caught your attention and it is our number ONE most-read article for 2020. Check it out!

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