This Week in Talent Acquisition (8 Feb)

This week we look at the interview questions Amazon is asking its candidates, what we can learn from our North American counterparts about candidate experience, how to spot the right candidate and more.
Enjoy this 2nd issue of This Week in Talent people!

9 Key Takeaways from the Just-Released Candidate Experience Research Report

180,000 candidates, 200 companies – a comprehensive annual study of candidate experience in North America. Not directly related to ANZ market but the takeaways are definitely applicable.

 21 Questions Amazon Asks Its Job Candidates

We have mixed feelings about some of the questions as we felt they were more subjective rather than evidence-based. What do you think?

Want to Attract Top Talent? Remember the Golden Rule

If you paired the entire candidate experience back to one rule, what’s the one you would pick? Find out.

It’s not WHAT you know but WHO you know…are you asking the right questions for your career?

Advice from one of Australia’s most well-known Talent Acquisition leaders and a friend of ATC. Thanks for sharing Antonia!

Here’s a Recipe for Creating a Successful Employment Video

The title pretty much says it all. A well thought-out and comprehensive list of tips and strategies.

NAB to ignore university results in hiring graduates

It’s about time more organisations get onto this. The GPA has long been proven not to be a strong indicator for a candidate’s ability in the workplace and it is good to see NAB updating their hiring practices.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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