This Week in Talent (16 Aug)

We combed the internet this week and found these for you: what world leaders, CEOs and comedians are saying about blockchain, the top 5 emerging jobs in Australia, do candidates prefer working with in-house or agency head hunters, and more.
Enjoy these musings!

Why blockchain could transform every industry

A topic that fascinated senior Talent Acquisition leaders during our recently concluded Future of Talent retreat. You need to get onto this.

The top 5 emerging jobs in Australia

LinkedIn research has shown that jobs relating to customers and technology are facing high demand and Talent shortage. Read on to find out more.

Head hunter or in-house recruiter

Interesting results from a research on candidate preferences for working with an in-house recruiter vs. a head hunter from an agency. Food for thought for whichever side you are on.

23 fascinating bitcoin and blockchain quotes everyone should read

More on blockchain (you could tell we are seriously fascinated by this technology). Hear what world leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs and comedians have to say about it.

The best time to post on social media

Hootsuite is one of the most popular social management platforms around and they analysed over 400 million posts to figure the best times to post on social media. Employer branding folks need to check this out.

Why Jack Ma doesn’t hire the “best” candidate for the job

If you need a needle, don’t get a sword. Forward this link to your hiring managers the next time they hanker over hiring only the best. 🙂

How early can you retire?

Yes, there is now a proper tool for us to figure this out. Finally we can start planning our retirement proper!

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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