3 Creative Ways To Liven Dull Job Posts

Would you stop and apply to your own job posts or walk on by?

We’re recruiters right? Not creatives or marketers! Why does it have to be so hard to get attention focused on our job posts?
Thankfully, there are some recruiters trying different social media methods and I’ve found 3 you can emulate or learn from.

 HubSpot’s job posts on Facebook Live

It’s peer-to-peer. It’s down to earth, right down to the rain in Dublin. Love that they use both English & Dutch, it’s so welcoming. They talk culture, of the Irish kind, rather than just talking about the job. (It’s not great if you suffer motion sickness though, you’ve been warned!)
And most importantly, it has a strong call to action that worked. In the original job post, you’ll see 9 people tagged ready for HubSpot’s recruiters to follow up on.
HubSpot Job Posts
…and look at that engagement, 8.5k views, wow!

Top tip: read this blog so you know how to download your Facebook Live video & use it elsewhere.

 People2People’s Periscope job posts

I really like that these guys gave Periscope a go and it has potential to become a regular Friday event, much like a Twitter chat. Remembering though that our attention spans are short, keep it fast moving. Being that it’s Friday afternoon and people are winding down for the weekend, it’d be great to see the recruiters relaxing more too… but maybe I’ve just been in London too long now!

 Just Digital People’s Instagram job posts

These guys know how to have fun, as clearly demonstrated on their whole Instagram account, and maybe you can’t be that crazy relaxed but you sure can be inspired by their use of this platform, which has grown to 700 million users!
On the right of this image you’ll see an arrow guiding you to click right, then you’ll see a great video. They know their audience and are masters at cross posting, check out their Facebook Page video playlists and Twitter too.
If you want to know more about recruiting on Instagram, grab this training course. 700 million people to source, engage and share your employee brand with! Perfect.


To have a strong call to action and to step through the job seeker’s journey… try on a mobile, make links easy, cut the obstacles, and read this post for examples that demonstrate why it matters.
And, of course, even the best job post will be ignored if you haven’t built an engaged following. If you don’t know how or want to improve your social recruiting, let’s talk.
What’s the best social media job post you’ve seen?
Cover Image: Shutterstock

This article first appeared on The Searchologist.

Talent Acquisition (TA) is on the cusp of a new wave of innovation and the 12th Australasian Talent Conference will be shining the light on it – say hi to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Find out more.

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