This Week in Talent (8 Oct)

This week we have a checklist when considering using video interviews, a list of smart tips to help you avoid burnout from WFH, learn about the surprising downsides of showing empathy (yep there are downsides), and more!

Talent Tech Teardown: Video Interviewing

A practical and useful checklist when considering using video interview platforms as part of your interview process. Have a look.

How to avoid burnout when working from home

We are hearing more people speaking bluntly about this issue and it is not hard to imagine why. If you are feeling a little overworked, lacking in motivation, or getting to the “can’t-be-stuffed” stage of your WFH journey, this is an article you should read.

The surprising downsides of empathy

Empathy has been promoted as a positive trait in leaders and a force for good. But what happens when empathy is misplaced? It might seem controversial to suggest empathy has downsides but as the pandemic pushes us into isolation, its virtues are looking less clear. Fascinating read.

Mindfulness for skeptics

Mindfulness has gone mainstream in 2020, cropping up everywhere from boardrooms to bedrooms to our kitchen tables. But what is it exactly? How can it help us improve our mental health or is it nothing more than just an airy-fairy concept? For the laypeople (both curious and cynical) there is still a lot to understand about it. Have a read to learn more.

Corporate snitches are using screen monitoring to find and fire slackers

This immediately conjures up ideas of Orwellian thought policing and the notion of the “Big Brother”. It doesn’t go in line with our values and beliefs, but then how can we get accountability from our new staff who are currently working virtually? Have a read and ponder.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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