Hiring Manager series: My 5-year vision for TA

This is part of a series of articles aimed at getting frank and unbiased feedback from Hiring Managers. Check out the first part here and the second part here.

What must we do to improve our Talent Acquisition (TA) function in order to gain a bigger stake on the C-suite table? Hiring managers work closely with the business and getting their feedback can be crucial to helping bridge the gap.

This week, we find out from them their five-year vision for TA – what types of Talent information do they expect to readily access and where do they see TA, five years down the track.

What do you think? Use the comment section to share your thoughts!

Arti Brown
General Manager at Commonwealth Bank

I love to see TA get a technology side happening to it.

Having access to real-time dashboard-style information that they can really stand behind and put rich data into and teach me how to read the market, not to do their job for them.

I would love to be able to converse in their language with them, using the benefit of technology, would be absolutely fantastic.

John Kennedy
Engineering Manager at BAE Systems

More detail metrics, granular view of what is going on in the marketplace.

Where are the pipelines of Talent, where are the graduates coming from, are they from interstate? Does that mean we need to strategically reshape our workforce or move work packages out?

Where are the midlevel careers, where are the senior engineers, where is the Talent going to be access so we can credibly bring them into the business.

Metrics, numbers, statistics surrounding that will be the number one advantage in the future.

Troy King
NSW/ACT State Operations Manager at StarTrack

In 2025, the world will be more complex and I assimilate it to the Moore’s law. We are going to accelerate from here on and TA is going to be a key part of that because I believe the future workforce is going to be a very flexible one.

I imagine TA in five years will have the versatility and be able to manage this complexity and they will be at the forefront of the push.

Bill Skelton
Enrolment Manager at RMIT Online

I don’t expect the world to be noticeably different in five years’ time. I don’t see things like automation and technology-led growth having the impact some people think they will. Likely there will be marginal speed improvements to tasks like resume filtering, personality profiling, etc.

The most important part of Talent Acquisition, to me, is speaking with candidates. I can’t see this being sped up, or automated, or done for me. All I will say is I hope remote work becomes standard and we can acquire Talent that would normally be geographically unavailable.

Check out the rest of the Hiring Manager series – see first part here and the second part here.

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