ATC most read articles of 2021

What a year it’s been! Between pandemics, an almost revolutionary shift in our attitudes towards remote work, and mass talent shortages at levels unprecedented in living memory, it’s fair to say that 2021 provided the TA community with its fair share of challenges.

But flip the coin over, and those challenges provided opportunities for TA teams to think differently, try new and exciting things, and get their teeth stuck into some really interesting work.

These were just some of the things we dived into on the ATC blog this year. With more than 50,000 individual article reads across our blog, there were plenty of people delving into the stories and topics that mattered to them.

We wanted to revisit the top 10 most popular articles across the blog in 2021. If you missed them earlier, now is the perfect time to catch up. And if you’ve read them before, what better way to cap off the year than to relive some of these favourites.

Here we go, the top 10 most read articles of 2021:

10. No Resume? No Worries!

In November, The Body Shop Australia announced that they would be hiring their Christmas casuals on a first-come, first-served basis. This method of hiring, known as Open Hiring, is an interesting approach for organisations looking at increasing their candidate pools and levelling the playing field.

Read it now.

9. Red Tape Recruitment

Ever had a great idea but been obstructed by process and procedure to be able to actually achieve anything? Jody Smith spoke to 4 TA managers working in large organisations to find out how they navigate the red tape to get some funky stuff done to really improve their recruitment function.

Read it now.

8. Recruiting for Diversity

Our 2021 State of Talent Acquisition Report told us that the companies who have diversity programs in place tend to place a disproportionate focus on improve gender diversity. But diversity is so much more than gender, and it’s time we understand how to recognise bias at all stages of the recruitment process.

Read it now.

7. 5 Predictions for 2021

Kevin Wheeler always makes for a thought-provoking read, and this article is no different. Here’s what Kevin Wheeler predicted for the world of talent at the start of 2021. Were the robots supposed to take over? Were we expecting the death of the in-house talent team? Have a read and see which ones came true!

Read it now.

6. How Lion Closed their Gender Pay Gap

In 2016, Lion realised that in-spite of numerous diversity initiatives in place they still had a gender pay gap of 3.2% in their workforce – equal at the time to $6 million and impacting 1,600 employees. Speaking at ATC2021 DIGITAL, Clint Williams told us what Lion did to close the gender pay gap – and keep it closed.

Read it now.

5. Surviving and Thriving During The Great Australian Resignation

After the last 18 months, HR is well versed in Business Continuity Planning (BCP), and after responding to all the challenges of a global pandemic surely nothing can catch HR out now? The looming Great Resignation may have other plans for us, and all talent teams will need to make sure they have strong BCP in place to weather the storm.

Read it now.

4. The Myth of a Talent Shortage

Another popular read from Kevin Wheeler, but this time around the current talent shortages that we’re experiencing. But are we really facing a talent shortage? Or are shortages just a short-term side effect of the pandemic caused by the rise of new types of work, unrealistic job requirements, and increased pay scales?

Read it now.

3. She’ll be Right, Mate

Recently, recruiters stopped asking candidates for their current salary and instead started asking for “salary expectations,” a move that may be further perpetuating the gender pay gap. Can we really expect candidates to correctly value their own contributions if they haven’t been valued properly by their employers in the past?

Read it now.

2. Managing Change: Why Resistance Happens and How to Manage it

If 2021 has been anything, it’s been a year of change and talent teams have spent a year working with many frustrated leaders, hiring managers, and candidates. As we head into what is forecast to be another challenging year it’s worth every TA manager understanding why people resist change and how to manage push back.

Read it now.

1. So You Wanna Be A….Talent Experience Manager

Our ‘So you wanna be a…..’ article series gave us insight into various TA & recruitment functions. However it looks like talent experience manager is at the top of everyone’s career wish list, as this article about Xero’s Talent Experience Manager Louise Joyce’s working life was the most popular ATC article we published all year.

Read it now.

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