Podcast: ATC2018 Innovation Lab winner Hiretual shares how they aim to become your best friend

In today’s age of ubiquitous connectivity, candidates can now be sourced online easily from multiple locations using different tools.
However, herein lies the next challenge – how can we consolidate all these information and make sense of them so that we can identify the best Talent for our organisation? That’s where Hiretual comes into the picture.
“We want to help recruiters save time so they get their lives back,” says Andy Riabokin, Hiretual’s client success leader. “This tool can search 700 million candidate profiles across the internet and bring disparate data sets together to help you make sense and bring context to them.”
Andy shares more in this podcast recorded live at the ATC2018, how Hiretual’s team of data scientists and engineers, including an ex-Googler, uses technologies similar to big search-engines to streamline complex data processing, to build a tool that can become your “best friend”.
Check it out!

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