This Week in Talent (5 Mar)

This week we have news on New York City proposing a bill to regulate AI-powered hiring tools – what does that mean for the companies who are using these technologies? In addition, we also have the five ways to become a more innovative recruiter, the secret to making people remember what you say, and more!

5 ways to be a more innovative recruiter, according to Talent leader Jennifer McClure

People analytics is one of the most important trends in the industry we should be picking up says Jennifer McClure, former human resources exec and founder of Unbridled Talent. Click to find out why and what else we can do to become better at what we do.

New York City bill aims to regulate AI hiring tools

AI-powered assessment tools have been under increasing scrutiny – particularly in the US. Now a bill is being proposed to prohibit the sale of these automated tools unless they have been audited for bias. That sounds like further potential for bias to us – how do we then ensure the auditors are being fair and they are not using bias as a way to describe results they don’t like? Have a read.  

Belonging is not the solution to your diversity problem. Recruitment reform is.

You can’t belong if you are not present says Kimberley Olsen, and the only way to solve this is to deliberately intervene in the recruitment process to treat marginalised people differently. Agree/disagree? To what extent should we intervene? Food for thought.  

Not all jobs sell themselves

Check out this interesting pub conversation/article Mitch Sullivan had with an owner of a recruitment agency. Is your job ad an ad or is it a list of requirements? Makes you wonder.

The secret to making people remember what you say

Are you trying to push your business case across to your leaders? Trying to create a good first impression with your candidates? Have a read of this article if you are to see how you can do these more effectively.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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