This Week in Talent (23 Apr)

This week we have a list of definitive questions you should be asking when hiring remote candidates, downloadable Employer Branding resources to help you plan your post Covid-19 actions and responses, a tool to test how much implicit bias you have in you, and more!

Land high-performing Talent with this definitive list of questions for remote candidates

What should you be asking when you are hiring remote candidates? Some solid advice in here.

Employer brand and Talent Acquisition crisis resources

How well-prepared are you as you emerge from the Covid-19 crisis? Here is an excellent list of downloadable resources from Exaqueo to help you consider the impacts and plan your own actions and responses.

The subtle art of hiring a diverse workforce – Part II – Unconscious bias

Excellent article on how we can get over personal unconscious bias. Here’s the penny drop statement – diversity programs don’t work because they rely on managers’ behaviours. When we “rely on people’s willingness to value diversity, they will hide behind the meritocracy argument and nothing will change”. Powerful stuff. You can also read Part 1 here.

Covid-19: the likely winners and losers in the Australian recruitment sector

Friend of ATC, Ross Clennett, provides an update and the outlook is gloomy. Then again, everything seems gloomy these days. He also identified a few areas that TA professionals can work on to cushion the impacts. There is still hope.

Project Implicit: Social Attitudes

Cool tool. How much implicit bias do you have in you? Take the test to find out.

The bare minimum for a half-decent CV

Advice on CV that took 14 years to write. Interesting take on what should and should not be included in one. Check it out.  

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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