This Week in Talent (22 Oct)

This week we share practical advice on when and how you can start hiring again after wide-scale layoffs, feedback from 50 data engineers on what they are looking for in their next role, a plan for how you can identify your Talent competitors, and more!

Hiring again after wide-scale layoffs

Should you rehire former employees? When should you start rehiring? An excellent article with practical advice to help you plan your next steps out of Covid. Must read.

3 ways to interview remote candidates successfully in a virtual environment

Good article on creating a consistent candidate experience during remote interviewing. If you are hiring remotely, which is almost everybody at this time, this is a must read. Check it out.

A recruiting game changer – remote work adds powerful Talent competitors

Astute observations by Dr John Sullivan on how remote working has opened up more opportunities for Talent and increased competition amongst recruiters. The smart leaders would put together a plan to identify these competitors he says. Click to learn how you can do that and apply these knowledge to your advantage.

How to hire a data engineer

Based on feedback from 50 data engineers, here is a handy guide sharing the important factors they look for when searching for a new role. For those hiring data engineers, you need to read this.

44 virtual icebreakers and team-building activities to try immediately

Comprehensive list of activities to help build morale and get everyone some valuable face time with each other as we continue to get used to WFH. We thought the “Alien Makeover” activity looks interesting, or the “Gardening Challenge” for teams who have a green thumb. Check ‘em out.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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