This Week in Talent (4th November)

Hi there,

Jody Smith
Jody Smith

We had a short week this week thanks to a public holiday on Tuesday for the Melbourne Cup. I live in a staunch anti-racing household, so we don’t “celebrate” the Melbourne Cup. So instead I used the day off to start putting together this week’s TWIT article. Whoop!

I’ve been immersed in the world of recruitment training this week – I’m putting some together for our hiring managers to do. Once it’s ready we will start rolling it out across the business for all people managers, whether they are hiring people right now or plan to in the future. But golly gosh – it’s hard putting together training like this. There is SO MUCH I want to talk about, and it’s hard to keep it concise.

Some things I am focusing on for the training are:

  • What to think about before deciding to recruit (i.e. what should the role look like, is there anything I want to tweak this time around on the PD, is there anyone in the team that might like the opportunity, have I flagged my plans to recruit with my manager etc.)
  • The process and how long each step takes (aka when can you expect your new hire to commence).
  • Networking and candidate sourcing (what can I do to assist the TA Team with sourcing)
  • The importance of a diverse assessment panel and sourcing methods
  • Unconscious and conscious bias (touching on this briefly as I feel it could be it’s own training session)
  • Assessment methods (what assessment tools are available to me, and when are they appropriate to use?)
  • How to chair an interview/assessment, ask meaningful questions and make the candidate feel important
  • The rules and policies we abide by. What to say/do, what not to say/do. What happens if someone puts in a grievance?
  • The importance of candidate experience

As you can see … there’s a lot there. If you’ve rolled out recruitment training before for hiring managers I’d love to hear about it. I reached out to a couple of TA contacts that I know, and they hadn’t done it before so perhaps it’s not that common?

In other news – I’ve been enjoying post-lockdown life, but my lord is it exhausting. I can feel the old familiar feelings of anxiety coming back again and I hate it. That was one positive of lockdown that it forced us to take a step back, and lay low (for 2 bloody years). Now I start to feel overwhelmed really easily, and really weird feelings of FOMO if I don’t have an activity or catch up scheduled. Sitting at home makes me feel FOMO, but being out and about makes me feel overwhelmed. WHAT IS THIS LIFE?!?!?!?! I can’t win LOL.

Our brains are still adjusting, and mine has a lot of adjusting to do it seems. Yay!

Hope you all have a great rest of your week, and see y’all next week!

No resume, no reference: The Body Shop’s radical approach to hiring

An innovative and modern approach to recruiting that removes barriers for young people, and people from disadvantaged backgrounds. It’s worth looking at these initiatives and asking yourself whether references and resumes are really needed as part of your recruitment process?

Job ads in Australia have risen to highest level in 2 years

#WarOnTalent AM I RIIIIIGHT?! Strap in peeps, the worst is yet to come.

Here’s what candidates might look for when vetting your company

I thought this was an interesting Twitter thread – it’s written as advice for candidates that are looking for family-friendly companies to work for that offer work/life balance. As an employer, it’s something to be aware of. Have you got any of the deemed “red flag” statements on your website, or within your adverts?

Hiring manager thinks your company-specific cover letter is a little desperate

LOL. I mean … this is a satirical article, but we’ve all working with actual IRL hiring managers like this before …

Top paying jobs in Australia where salaries are rising due to high demand

Talent Acquisition Specialists are right up there as the most in-demand roles at the moment, along with lots of roles in tech and the education space.

Would you consider hiring refugees?

Did you know Australia has consistently ranked as one of the top three refugee resettlement countries in the world? This project looks to boost that capacity by researching how employers can engage in refugee recruitment. Everyone’s invited to get involved!

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