This Week In Talent (6th September)

Jody Smith editor This Week in Talent

‘Allo – I’m back, baby!

I left the Victorian Public Service earlier this year, and moved to start up land (with We Are Charlotte – a fractional People & Talent consultancy) and OH BOY it’s been wildly fun, a massive learning curve, and I must say … a brain tickling experience. Fractional work tickles my brain in all the right places.

I reckon I’ve talked about this before in the TWIT but, I love to snoop. I’m a curious gal, I can’t help myself. I wanna know what other people are up to, what sort of offices they have, what tech stack they use … I wanna know it ALL.

Working in the fractional people and talent space gives me the privilege to snoop and peer under the hood of some awesome client businesses, help them fix talent problems, and (the best part) they welcome me in as one of their own. We frequently work in an embedded capacity, so I get access to their systems, their technologies, their Slack channels. My people pleasing, extrovert brain gets to have some fun.

I’ve been at We Are Charlotte for 3 months, and I’m already working on:

  • an HRIS roll out within a large government department
  • a capability/skills matrix design project with a small design agency
  • recruiting multiple brand new tech roles for a small, growing software provider (hello to any Tech Leads out there with specialist Python skills – call me).

Every day presents a new opportunity to lean into my talent acquisition, problem solving and human centred design (HCD) skills … and I’m loving it (if you can’t tell).

SO over the next 3 weeks while I am TWIT Captain again, I will share a problem I have solved and how I applied my HCD skills to help solve it.

To get you started (if this is also your jam) – here are some resources and tools to kick start your own HCD journey and start applying these methods to your talent problems today!

Obviously, you should also be purchasing a ticket to this year’s ATC Event and making sure you attend the session by Tammy Ryder, General Manager of People and Culture at Coles on ‘Challenging the Business to Think Again’.

Here’s what caught my attention this week:

ATC2024 Agenda

The ATC2024 agenda has DROPPED and it is fully loaded with talent leaders, juicy learnings, and opportunities for connection. Have a look and get your tickets ASAP.

Unlocking Creativity and Problem-Solving: The Power of Design Thinking in Talent Acquisition

A ‘Design Thinking 101’ to talk you through what it is, how to apply it (at a high level) and why it works!

Online Customer Journey Mapping Tool

A free tool you can plug into that helps you visually map out an experience journey across different stages (one of my fave things to do).

Find the right plays for your team

I use this playbook ALL the time when I’m running design sessions – it makes it super easy! I also use this for team meetings, and any time you’re getting people together for a session of any type.

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