This Week in Talent (25th November)

Jody Smith
Jody Smith


Soooo remember the TA survey we were asking you to fill out back in September? WELL the results are in, and now it’s time to find out exactly what the state of TA teams looks like around Australia – what are our priorities, what are our challenges, and what are our predictions for the new year? Register here and come along to ATC’s live event where we’ll run through the findings of the report and the future of TA in Australia.

It’s only 4 weeks until Xmas, and 3 weeks until I’m on 3 weeks of annual leave – YEEEEWWWWWW!

I’ve been trying to make plans for my little TA team for 2022, but it’s really hard when my brain space is filled with Xmas parties and present shopping and music festival ticket buying and family hangs and food and booze and holidays … so many things. I’m thinking now that I might resign to the fact that there’s simply no space left in my brain for work things and I should just get to the end of this year, take my 3 weeks leave to rest and relax, and come back in January fresh as a daisy and ready to PLAN and PRIORITISE and KILL IT at work.

Whilst my brain hasn’t been totally up to scratch recently, I’ve been doing lots of reading. You may have seen Kevin Wheeler’s recent article where he talks about traditional recruiting skills and what the new wave of recruiters will look like. I’m using this to guide my planning for 2022! I’m going to be looking at ways that we gather data and insights, and how we can then use those insights to effectively strategise with our hiring managers. Also using that data to improve the candidate experience, and build more credibility (and better relationships) with our hiring managers. We’ll become data analysts (as Kevin mentions). I suck at maths and numbers, but I LOVE data.

Anyways I hope you all have a happy to end to your week, and are enjoying the end-of-year buzz that is starting to fill our lives and offices (and virtual offices). Wheeeeeeee 🙂

From The Great Attrition To The Great Adaptation

Podcast (and transcript) detailing how leaders must change their management styles in order to adapt to what workers want in the future. Shock horror – employees are human beings, with individual wants and needs that change all the time, and leaders need to be able to pivot and adapt accordingly.

Five Lessons From Our Women Only Recruitment Round

I work in an industry (construction/engineering) that is extremely male-dominated – I found this really interesting. We haven’t tried a female-only recruit as yet, but no doubt it’s on the cards as we receive new gender targets and a gender equity plan. Important to remember that equity and equality are different, and to achieve true equity AND equality … initiatives like this need to happen.

New Report Unveils Shocking Attitudes Amongst Employers Towards Disability Hiring

This is a UK study into views and attitudes of employers on hiring people with a disability, and I think you’ll find similar sentiments here in Australia based on these employment rates. Only 41% of people with a disability are employed in Australia, and many are underemployed which is contributing to a massive pay gap.

Ultimate Recruitment Terminology Guide

Well, this is a handy little thing. Rather than sitting in meetings with the big wigs and nodding along pretending you know what they’re talking about … now you can quickly reference Crew’s recruitment terminology guide and be instantly informed. We love to SEE IT!

New York City passed a bill requiring ‘bias audits’ of AI hiring tech

We’ve all heard about how AI can learn to develop biases based on the people programming it, so a bill like this could be a good thing. One part of this legislation requires employers using AI shortlisting tools to advise the candidates what information the tool will be using to evaluate their suitability for the job.

Perks of working for Emirates as airline goes on massive recruitment drive

In the Battle of the Benfits … this is right up there!

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