This Week in Talent (30th March)

Ah friends… all good things must come to an end! The month of me being your resident TWIT editor is up, and it’s been awesome!! I always love finding really interesting articles and new ways of thinking about things – so being able to do that, and share that with you all has been fab. I hope you have got as much out of it as I have!

Whilst this is farewell from me for now – I will be seeing you at the ATC Talent Advisory Conference in May, so get your tickets now!

So, for our last TWIT for March what is top of mind for me? Well… You. This week it is all about you. Your career, your experiences, your learnings.

Why is this week’s edition dedicated to all things you?

Well – firstly you are important, and you matter, and we spend more of our lives at work instead of doing anything else (that’s a bar conversation for another day), and you deserve to be happy, and fulfilled in your career.

Secondly, sometimes we navigate hard bits in our career, and we need the resources to help us through that and gives us differently perspectives.

If I reflect in almost 18 years of doing this, I have had amazing highs in my career with some opportunities that I honestly didn’t think I would ever get, but there have also been some lows, like low lows (hello GFC, redundancy, post-natal depression, COVID!), but with the lows came the opportunities to learn and grow, and growth doesn’t happen if you are stuck in your comfort zone!

So, I hope this week’s articles (and all the articles I’ve shared in March) give you a fresh perspective as we move into the next quarter of the year, in a year that isn’t going to be so “typical” (because jeez, the last three weren’t “typical” either!) and remember to always back yourself!

What we do in TA matters, what we do has an impact, and sometimes, what we do is hard, so as Brené Brown says:

Global Hiring Trends Report 2023


Speaking of all things you, and your role and how to set you up for success this year, it’s great to see reports like this one from HireVue and how organisations plan to navigate the nuances of hiring this year, HireVue surveyed 3,831 global HR professionals to learn how they’re tackling economic uncertainty, talent shortages, and DEI&B.

You Need to Practice Being Your Future Self

How do you get out of the trap of being “busy” versus being “productive”? We know in TA we can easily get caught in doing things, but are we sure that those things, are the things that need to be focussed on?

If you want to be productive – you firstly need to ask yourself, who do I want to be, and why does this matter?

This is the No. 1 career mistake young people make ‘all the time,’ says Uber’s CEO—how to avoid it

“Career path and planning” versus “career learning and career being”. How over planning your career may be the exact thing that is holding your career back.

How being present in your current career and current role and learning how to do your role well, is the key to getting ahead.

Why You Need to Focus on Talent Development More Than Ever

Talent within organisations is both external and internal – but what else can talent acquisition do to support talent when we reduce the amount of talent coming into the organisation externally?

How else can TA support their organisation’s when we don’t recruit? Well – we can help develop internal relent through talent development and management!

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & Finding True Purpose by Redefining Success: On Purpose with Jay Shetty

Gosh I love Jay Shetty! One of personal favourite humans on the planet, but also his podcast “On Purpose with Jay Shetty” is full of gold nuggets. This episode is amazing and talks on the topic of “imposter Syndrome”. Now we all have probably heard the term, but may not be sure of what it exactly means. I certainly know I suffer from Imposer Syndrome – very regularly in fact.

You know, the fear of “being found out” and that I am not as good at what I do, like I thought I was. If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome – have a listen to this episode and see if it helps!

Layoff anxiety is real—but you can still thrive during challenging times. Here’s how

What’s worse – knowing, or not knowing what’s coming? Job security and cost of living pressures are impacting almost everyone right now, and as we watch the market and hold our breathe – its hard not to absorb some of that anxiety, but we need to recognise this “stinking thinking”, and how to maintain our mindset in the positive.

The Future of Recruiting 2023

Ah, if we only had a crystal ball! Predicting the talent market has almost been our favourite past time the last few years. Its up, its down, we have jobs, we don’t, and back around again! LinkedIn have released their 2023 Future of Recruiting Report, and there are some interesting insights in here such as talent leaders will be the ones driving business-critical changes, we will be taking a skills-based approach to hiring rather that a role or “career” mentality, and organisations will increase their focus and understanding of their internal skills taxonomy.

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