This Week in Talent (17th March)

Hello there friends,

this week I’ve been a busy bee putting together recruitment strategies for 2 roles in my team that I’m about to go out to market for. It’s actually been so much fun thinking about all the possibilities, the type of people we want to find, and how we will assess them. I harp on about using ‘outside the box’ assessment methods a lot … so this is where the rubber hits the road, and I can put some of my ideas into play.

I’ve decided the 3 main things I will be focusing on are:

  1. Transferable skills and experience. Recruitment experience won’t be mandatory for the more entry-level role in the team, and for the senior role it will be however I’m really open to industry and type of experience (not length). I’ll be most focused on the next 2 points …
  2. Personality assessment. We are going to use a psychometric assessment tool, and then design the assessments based on those results.
  3. Alignment to the company values, and life experience. Someone who is resourceful, innovative, open-minded, and curious. How will I assess this? We shall see … (I’m still working that one out).

I really want to make the roles seem inclusive and welcoming to those folks from culturally diverse backgrounds, abilities, and genders. This is why I wanted to focus more on skills and personality, less on previous experience.

Yes … all of this will inflate my ideal hiring timeline, however, I am willing to do that to make sure we get the right people! Time to hire is important, but I honestly reckon if you sell the role well enough upfront, get the buy-in from the candidate and keep them updated throughout the process … an expanded timeline won’t matter as much. You lose candidates when you don’t communicate, and they’re not sold on the opportunity.

On a side note …  massive thank you and shout out to Ryan Kelly from Creative Natives who kindly offered me his phone number so I could pick his brain about a recent recruit that he ran where he focused on skills and personality, and less on previous experience. It was so nice to brainstorm with someone like-minded in the talent industry – I highly recommend it if you’re ever thinking of doing something a bit different. Call a Talent friend and run it past them first, see what they think, and ask for feedback!

I’m always here if you need a chin wag, and I know Jo Vohland is awesome to chat through this stuff with too – I do it a lot HAHA! (Whenever I say “here if you need” I always think of Sharon Strzelecki playing netball …)

Anyways – see ya’s next week!

The Twitter gender pay gap bot

If you haven’t seen this already … you may have been living under a rock, but that’s okay. We like rock people here! But quickly give it a peep, and see the gloriousness that is a Twitter bot calling out companies that post about International Women’s Day (which some still are) and what their gender pay gap is.

Equality Isn’t Exceptional Women Getting Ahead, But Incompetent Men Falling Behind

Oh man, this was a good read. Wrap your eyeballs around this, and revel in the gloriousness that is the line “Although Twain omitted reporting the gender distribution of his meritocratic version of heaven, if we follow his logic we would expect heaven to be populated mostly by women.” Damn right God is a woman, bro!

How Digital Footprint Checks Assess Cultural Fit

Does this give anyone else the heebie jeebies? I mean … I definitely do want to know if a potential new hire has been liking photos of neo-nazis … I just hope no one ever looks at my photos or status updates from 2007 – 2013. (Credit – I found this one in Hung Lee’s newsletter from last week)

A return to office filled with resentment

Imagine being forced to return to the office full time against your will, and then seeing these posters are you enter the foyer of your building on day 1. Sheeeeesh.

Can you add “parenting” to your resume now? LinkedIn says yes

I tell my Career Stuff clients to add parenting, and other career gaps, to their CV’s all the time! This is a fantastic move by LinkedIn to help break the bias some hiring managers have around career gaps. Also … as if parenting isn’t the hardest job in the whole world? It deserves a spot on LinkedIn.

Victoria to trial first paid sick leave scheme for casual workers

Yeah Dan! Lessons learned from the pandemic – casual workers don’t get sick pay, and are often forced to go to work sick which then leads to the spread of disease.

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