This Week in Talent (16th September)

Hello hello helloooooooooo (cheeky RuPaul reference there).

Jody Smith
Jody Smith

First things first – if you are an internal talent acquisition professional and you haven’t filled out our 2021 State of Talent Acquisition survey yet … get on that. It takes about 10 minutes, and it’s totally worth it because you could win $500, and there’s not much I wouldn’t do for $500.

This week I had a sudden rush of motivation to do some personal development and improve the way we do things in our little TA team. This spurt of motivation literally came out of nowhere, but I think it’s because the days are starting to warm up. Nothing depicts my mood, and the type of day I will have more than the weather. Not really the best coping mechanism to base my moods on the weather, but it is what it is 😛

So I’m riding this motivational wave for as long as I can – I booked myself into heaps of online “innovation” events on the General Assembly page, bookmarked a bunch of TA articles and material to read through (I’ll share the best ones here in TWIT, obvs), and have carved some time out in my calendar to actually do some learning and personal development. Fun!

I went along to the Rubberband hump day catch up session last week, and I must say it was SO nice to mingle with some other talent acquisition peeps again. We shared some of the things we’re working on at the moment (me in particular – I’m working on perfecting the way we gather hiring manager recruitment feedback) and shared ideas. Gosh darnit, I CANNOT WAIT to do it again in real life sometime soon. The Hump Day catch ups run from 5pm – 6pm every Wednesday, and open to internal and agency recruiters alike. Come along and say g’day!

Something else I’m loving this week is SEEK’s funky new page that helps job seekers with career advice and support. The campaign video, featuring Napolean Dynamite, is fantastic. Give it a watch!

That’s it for now – everyone have a great week/weekend ahead 🙂

Diving into the Great Resignation and What It Means

I mean … one of the greatest parts of this article is Peggy Olson as the cover image ❤ The ‘Great Resignation’ is on every TA person’s minds at the moment, and rightly so. It’s a thing! There are so many good reasons for an employee to resign and start a new role at the moment, why wouldn’t they?

If You Never Met Your Co-Workers in Person, Did You Even Work There?

Is it easier to resign from a job where you worked remotely and never met anyone in real life? Are we less attached to our workplace and our colleagues because we’re not physically there anymore? Do we build bonds the same way as we did IRL? I know I’ve found it hard to know where I fit in the social pecking order at work – if I was there in real life I would’ve picked up on that pretty quickly. I also miss having a “work bestie”. Literally almost impossible to find a work bestie when we’re just a voice/image on a screen. (Just an FYI with this article – to read it you’ll need to sign up for a free account on Medium. So worth it though.)

Australian job seekers are dropping out of the market, but it’s not because they don’t want to work

Some of the employment stats in this article are pretty eye opening, particularly the info around women dropping out of the workforce  to care for their kids because childcare is too costly. Also the large number of job seekers who are simply sick of looking for work – it can be a soul destroying process. 🙁

How Recruiters Can Use #FOMO to Hire More Untapped Talent

Should we be using the ol’ FOMO feeling on our hiring managers so that they are more open minded for ‘Fear Of Missing Out’ on great talent? Could we use FOMO on our hiring manager to improve our DEI efforts? Hmmmmmm.

How to stop languishing and start finding flow

The guy that invented the term “languishing” has done a TED talk, and it’s good! I had to share. How to find flow in your work, and stop binge watching tv shows all the time that aren’t even that good.

No jab, no job? What employers might consider before mandating COVID-19 vaccinations in workplaces

Has this come into play at your workplace yet, or is it something you’re considering? This comprehensive article, written by legal professionals, is definitely worth a read.

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