It seems like only yesterday that we were all listing out our New Years’ Resolutions and discussing The Great Resignation, but as another year comes to a close it’s time to take a look back at some of the most popular articles on the ATC Blog in 2022.
If you missed them earlier, now is the perfect time to catch up on the discussions. And if you’ve read them before, what better way to cap off the year than to relive some of these favourites.
From sourcing and candidate experience to burn-out and the potential for a TA re-brand, here are the 10 articles that you loved most throughout the year.
Looking to implement an employee referral network or enhance the one you’ve already got in place? Heads of Talent from NextGen.Net, Immutable, and EPAM Systems share 4 key things you should keep in mind for your referral program (and none of them involve offering higher $$ incentive rewards!)
Everyone thinks they know how to conduct an interview, but it’s time to ask ourselves some hard questions. What do we want to get from the interview? Are we transparent and upfront about the next steps? And do we actually listen and give a sh*t about what the candidate is saying? This one’s a great read from Ross Clennett.
Had trouble finding candidates this year? James Witcombe ran an experiment with a job ad to put salary vs workplace flexibility to the test. While his basic results may not surprise you, the overall impact of his findings will. Can you say “16x more job applications?”
Does the phrase “talent acquisition” mean anything to the candidates we’re trying to woo? Does it sound too stuffy and formal? Or do we need to do more work to educate the wider public about what TA means? In this article our very own Jo Vohland questioned whether TA has a brand problem of its own by reaching out to the community to find out once and for all – is it time for us to rename TA?
Our So you wanna be a… series was another hit in this year as we took a deep-dive into the day-to-day lives of people working in various different talent roles. Of course, with the challenges of the talent market being what they were in 2023, it’s no surprise that the talent community wanted to know exactly what goes into Dij Thulasi’s working life as a sourcing specialist.
We’ve all felt it. Our inbox scroll seems never-ending. The thought of answering yet another phone call becomes unbearable. And the “Sunday Scaries” get even scarier. When burn-out hits it can have a significant impact on both our personal and professional lives. Jo McCatty shares her 5 top tips to help recruiters deal with burn-out and re-discover energy for their job.
Using video in recruitment = video CVs, right? Wrong! Short employee videos are quick and easy to make, and can help talent teams share messages with prospective candidates about working conditions, workplace diversity, and an organisations’ values. Here’s how some of Australia’s leading organisations have used video to share their employee stories to build more dynamic relationships with passive candidates.
There’s never been more competition for candidates than there has been in 2022. If you’re not even able to get candidates into the top of your recruitment funnel, then you can kiss your quality hires goodbye before you’ve even started. Kevin Wheeler’s solution? It’s time for recruiters to start thinking more like marketers.
Ever feel like there’s just not enough of you to go around? When you’re stretched too thin it’s east to fall into a rut of just “making it work.” After all, there’s barely enough time to wolf down a quick sandwich at your desk for lunch let alone sit down and actually plan out the best course of action. Fortunately, John Vlastelica has some great tips on what TA leaders can do when you’re stretched too thin.
If we could nominate a TA word of the year, 2023’s would be candidate experience. As the talent pools shrunk and competition for quality hires got stiffer the question at the top of everyone’s mind was how can we create a better experience for our candidates? In our top article for 2023, 6 TA leaders from some of Australia’s most well-known brands share their CX secrets.
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