This Week In Talent (29 Apr)

Note From The Editor

Oh hey there! I took Monday off this week, and my boyfie Max and I went down the Great Ocean Road and let me tell you … I am feeling ZEN! What a glorious part of the world. We did so much touristy stuff it was insane, and I cried when we got to Loch Ard Gorge and the Twelve Apostles. We got there for sunrise on Sunday morning, and although it was early and cold and raining … my gawd was it divine and magical. I’ve never seen anything like it. There’s nothing like seeing the giant apostles in the raging open ocean to make you feel like a tiny insignificant spec in the grand scheme of things. Check out my insta here to see some insanely awesome piccies from the weekend. I saved a bunch of them in my insta highlight reel.

This is my public service announcement to say … TAKE MONDAY OFF AND HAVE A LONG WEEKEND! Go somewhere you haven’t been before – book a cheap Air BnB. Leave your work laptop and phone at home, and enjoy. Your mental health will thank you for it.

11 things I know about internal recruitment

In this spicy LinkedIn post, Jason Burns drops some truth bombs about internal recruitment and how we should probably all get off our high horse a bit. Feel free to leave a comment and stir the pot some more 😉

Google to tie bosses’ pay to environment and diversity goals

Interestingggggg – holding the big bosses accountable for problems that they had a hand in creating. Let’s hope other companies start to follow suit, and maybe we might start to see some serious changes playout with regards to diversity and climate change action?!

The World’s Most Remote Island Is Hiring … Here’s How To Apply

Have you ever wanted to work on a beautiful, remote island? Are you an expert in marine life and projects? Then look no further than your next great career step on the island of Tristan da Cunha!! Time for me to fudge my resume a bit I think and get amongst this opportunity …

10 Reasons Why Networking Is Essential For Your Career

I tell this to all candidates, team members, mentees, job seekers … anyone who will listen. Networking is important. If not to progress your career, then to learn new things and make friends. Did you know that for a measly $5 you can attend our upcoming Friday Drinks Around The Nation? And get your drinks INCLUDED?! For $5! Whadda bargain. And…your $5 will be donated to charity!

How to Improve Your Networking Skills in 2021

So now that you’ve purchased your $5 ticket to the Friday Drinks Around The Nation … have a read of this article to sharpen your networking skills before the event. I’ll be there, so you can practice your small talking skills and banter on me and I promise I won’t laugh at you. I will laugh WITH you. 

Closing the Wage Gap: How These 5 Companies Are Working to Achieve Pay Equity

We will keep sharing articles and rattling the cages about the gender wage gap until pay equity is a thing that people take seriously. I thought this was a great look into what some of the large companies are doing in their efforts to start to address the issue.

Learning to Ride a Bike Eased My Chronic Anxiety

This is a cute article about the simple joys of learning a new skill and how it can take your mind off even the worst things in life. A wholesome read that has made me want to ride my bike more.

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This Week in Talent: ATC2024 has come and gone, and Jamie Holder is wrapping things up for us while it's still fresh in our minds. From the rise of AI in recruitment to Kevin Wheeler’s provocative predictions, there’s plenty to dive into. Spoiler: AI isn’t here to replace you, but it will make you better—if you embrace it. Want to revolutionise your hiring process? Skills-based hiring, predictive analytics, and personalisation are where it’s at. Plus, some serious fangirling over Kevin. If you missed ATC2024, don’t worry—this recap will get you up to speed.
HUGE thanks to everyone who joined us for ATC2024 and helped us make our very first Melbourne ATC a smash hit. A big thank you to all of the speakers, moderators, partners, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers, and attendees who made ATC2024. We’re putting it lightly when we say we really can’t do it without you.
Jamie Holder TWIT 2
This Week In Talent: Jamie talks all things leadership within the TA space, including talking career conversations, how (and when) to delegate and practical things that leaders can do to develop the confidence and skills in their team. Whether you’re new to leadership, a seasoned veteran or aspiring to lead one day – this TWIT is for you.