This Week in Talent (17th May)

Hello fellow TWITs – I hope you have had a great week!!

You don’t need to go far to find online articles, white papers, podcasts or share personal experiences to hear that “bad bosses” are still the number one reason people leave organisations. Everyone has had a bad boss, some might still be working for one and sadly we have too many stories to share that keep this topic front and centre. With the enormous leadership/management and career coaching programs that has been in existence for 15 plus years and serious coin being dropped within organisations it’s concerning “better bosses” isn’t the norm trend we hear as a direct output of these programs!

We in TA are surrounded by hiring leaders everyday, yet I don’t hear many of us calling out this trend as a number one factor to keep your talent. Why is that? Are we too focused on the transactional side of recruitment or we don’t feel it’s our place? (*you wouldn’t want to offend/annoy our key stakeholders.) Or is this an opportunity to reframe this topic to marry retention and recruitment together into a more talent advisory manner, and in doing so uplift our capabilities and have more strategic conversations??

Surprise, Surprise! This calls on good old fashion communication skills! I fear with the emergence of so much tech we have lost the art of communication; the art of bringing facts/details to the table and starting a conversation on “what is your top talent challenge today?”, “if we recruit someone into the role how are they going to help you overcome this challenge?” or “what are you going to do today that will set this new person up for success?”. Whether you are have been in the game for a long time like some of us dinosaurs or you are new to TA, I encourage you to take these opportunities when you have these hiring leaders in front of you as an opportunity to voice talent trends in this time – the conversation will be far more richer, a deeper connection will be built and your personal brand will skyrocket as you are consulting for the right reason PLUS delivering the transactional outcome of new talent into their team! Winning on so many levels.

I challenge you in your next 6 job briefings to specifically talk about the trend of “bad bosses” being the number one driver for employee departures, share with them often candidates are coming to you as a recruiter because “I left because of my bad ex-boss”!! Our TA expertise in the businesses we work for can hep us have more “skin the game” simply by reframing the topics so that we call out bad behaviours and call out leaders who don’t take accountability for this experience and invest in deeper connections with their own people. After all, if we don’t help these hiring managers, they too could be the next story of “I left due to a bad boss”.

Bad Boss Prioritises Annual Leave based on Seniority

Speaking of Bad Bosses, this video ticks all the boxes; poor communication, hiding behind “policy”, bullying behaviours, aggression. This is one of a series of Bad Boss videos by content creator Ben Askins, all of which are completely wild. Be warned – you could find yourself sucked into a TikTok watching vortext with this one.

3 Keys to Build an Agile and Efficient Recruiting Function

Happy to invest 1 hour of my time to keep building my growth mindset with this free webinar. According to Gartner, “only 27% of recruiting leaders say their functions operational model  enables a quick response to change” – where is the other 73% struggling!

The ‘Rage Applying’ Problem

Rage is a highly emotive word! Korn Ferry has captured what is playing out in workforce dynamics, cultures and the negative impacts emotions are having on business performance. What is going on??

Automation, AI & Efficiency… challenges, the future and how to get started

Automation has been key in my running TA functions for over 15 years now, I love it and the more ferret holes we as TA folk can go down to source the next automation will also keep you ahead of the pack!

Webinar: Unpacking the results of the 2024 State of Talent Acquisition Survey

Did you know that Talent Teams generally rate their relationship with their HR counterparts as being quite strong (average 8.2/10)? Or that over 50% of organisations are not using any AI at all in their hiring processes? Or that only 23% of Talent Teams are actively involved in Internal Mobility and Succession Planning. These were just some of the findings that have come out of ATC’s 2024 State of TA survey so far. If you want to hear more make sure to dial into their free webinar on Tuesday 4th June.

Employer Branding in 2024: Where it’s heading & what to focus on

The economy’s harsh. The market’s uncertain. And talent attraction and engagement have never been more crucial. To survive and thrive, employers need to get strategic about their employer brand… and double down on the things that matter most. Employer Branding Australia CEO Mark Puncher shares the latest insights and tips on how to power your employer brand for better talent results.

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