This week I almost dreaded reading through my LinkedIn feed each morning, as we have had wave after wave of shock and impacted roles in the Tech sector with an eerie reminder of 2020 pandemic times. Knowing full well the shock of being in an impacted role, my heart is aching for everyone that has been affected. There’s also the other aspect of it, for those that were not impacted, also known as ‘survivor’ guilt for the remaining teams. I hope that you are well supported with the right tools to keep your head high, and have a network of people to lean on and seek for help if needed.
It has also been beautiful to see so many companies and individuals going out of their way to assist – it is a true testament to how connections through networks can create opportunities. It feels like 2023 will be another test for our resilience, and I sincerely hope everyone stays safe and connected.
On a lighter note, I still feel the buzz in the air from #ATC2022 and am pleasantly surprised at how many conversations I have had this week where ATC was brought up, referenced and shared. A massive applause to the ATC team for putting this together, I can only imagine how much went into it and know that it was so very appreciated and valued by our TA community!
Special shout out to the partners and sponsors who really came together and elevated the event – bringing Talent Acquisition Sky High! I’m sad to have missed out but I thoroughly enjoy the resources contributed by these sponsors below (including one where your insight will make a difference!).
From fulfilling tight talent requirements to furthering international growth, global hiring presents key opportunities. But it can be costly when done haphazardly, and a comprehensive compliance program can minimize global growth risks.
Australia’s workplaces are evolving. We understand that employers and recruiters are focusing on strategies to lead their workforces into the future, and in turn, Australian workers are looking for employers that can help them strike a work-life balance and support their long and successful careers. Download Indeed’s latest report to gain a range of insights into what is most important to Australian workers and what employers could be doing more of to successfully build the future workplace.
How do you stand out in a crowded market? The key to getting candidates to click “apply” is an appealing employer brand. Check out this report to learn how to bring your employer brand story to life.
Two years ago, it took General Motors 5 days to schedule a single interview. Now, it takes less than 30 minutes. Here’s how GM did it, its impact on the business, and what’s coming next.
Finding and retaining talent that have the skills and mindset to meet unknown future business needs is tough. Just imagine how powerful it would be if you could understand a candidate’s ability to perform under pressure, adapt to dynamic conditions and develop innovative solutions – all at the point of hiring?
The TA tech landscape is complex and continues to evolve, and AI is driving this change. Make sure you have a clear understanding of how you’re using AI today and how you define success in 2022 and beyond.
How do blended assessments offer better candidate insight? As humans, we rarely work on just one thing in isolation or use only one skill to achieve a task. Work itself is not one-dimensional, so why should an assessment of workplace performance be?
Enboarder’s new research shows that the relationships with our co-workers, manager, and company leadership are critical to several business outcomes including, among others, employer brand, retention, and engagement. But what makes people feel connected?
For every 10 responses, Hays will donate a Luna Park Flexi Pass to a student supported by The Smith Family. Be part of the conversation as we explore what the future of work will look like. The following survey will take approximately 4 minutes to complete and the findings will be used to help shape the outlook of the world of work. Hays is proud to partner with The Smith Family, who help young Australians to overcome educational inequality caused by poverty.
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