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Eric Sydell

EVP Innovation, Modern Hire

How AI is Revolutionising Hiring

Recent events have shown the necessity of a virtual hiring process, but for organisations that want to truly transform the way they hire, technology is a must.

But when it comes to hiring technology, the term artificial intelligence is often used as a catch-all that means anything from automated scheduling to natural language processing.

Join me and Isaac Thompson for this session in which we will discuss how to define artificial intelligence, emerging trends and developments, and the ethical considerations in using these technologies.

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About Eric

Eric Sydell is the EVP of innovation at Modern Hire, where he oversees all research and product innovation initiatives, including the data science-focused Labs team. He is passionate about applying machine learning, and deep learning in particular, to candidate data to match candidates with career opportunities more effectively. Eric is highly motivated to show the power of these new AI-based technologies and guide them to ensure they benefit individuals as well as organizations. Eric previously served as EVP, Innovation at Shaker International, of which he was also a founder. He was also a consultant at CEB/SHL.

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