Download the 2024 State of TA Report

In March 2024, 233 Talent Teams from across Australia and New Zealand gave us a picture of what is happening inside their Talent function right now.

Participants were asked about a range of factors related to TA, including how well they deliver talent, their current level of involvement in Talent Advisory, the state of their Internal Mobility, the Gender Pay Gap, their relationships with other parts of the business, their attitudes towards AI, Candidate Experience and Candidate Fraud, and so much more.

These results give us a clear insight into current recruitment trends, how talent teams are feeling, and what the talent priorities are right now.

Delivered in partnership with our friends at Paradox, the 2024 State of Talent Acquisition Report is a resource for Talent Teams to get a better idea of where Talent Acquisition is headed and provide benchmark data against which to review their own function.

Download the 2024 State of Talent Acquisition Report

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Find out what the current state of talent acquisition is, understand the challenges ahead, and benchmark your talent team against the industry average. Download the report now.