ATC2021: Tailored watch lists for every TA focus point

ATC2021 DIGITAL was a whirlwind of conversations, new concepts and connections. All of the videos are now live to watch on the event platform, but with more than 40 sessions and countless ideas to take in, you’d be forgiven if you’re not too sure where to start.

We’ve taken the liberty of collecting some of our favourite sessions and pulling them together into playlists dependent on what you’re looking for. Whether you’re looking to improve your TA functions in the virtual work-space of 2021, pimp your recruitment marketing, or just focus on your own personal development, we’ve got a curated collection of talks for you. Think TED Talks, but for TA.  

You’ll need the login details you used to access the live event to watch these videos. The watch page for each video also includes the accompanying slide deck (so you don’t need to worry about taking notes), and other similar talks to continue your quest to quench your curiosity.

Widen your talent pool

Can borderless talent solve the skills shortage?

Compared to Europe or Asia, Australia’s talent market is tiny. The market is hungry right now, yet we continue to fight (and overpay) for scarce talent locally. As new ways of working open up avenues for more sophisticated virtual workplaces, it’s time to expand our talent pool into international talent markets. Sound scary? It doesn’t have to be – Gobalization Partners’ Diane Albano shares all the tips you’ll need to add “Global Talent Advisor” to your skillset. 

Watch now.

How TA can impact the success of diversified talent post-hire

Ask anyone in TA what’s keeping them up at night right now and they’ll likely tell you it’s a shortage of skilled talent. Whether it’s looking to remote talent, internal talent, or underrepresented talent, the current skills shortage has forced companies to diversify their sources and think differently about how they mobilise their resources. As gatekeepers to the organisation, Talent Acquisition teams are in a prime position to set the tone for how companies can re-think talent distribution. Pymetric’s Michelle Hancic tells us how.

Watch now.

Hiring for attitude

Someone’s capability to work in a certain role is so much more than just a sum of their experiences and skills. So how can you adequately assess if someone is really the best fit for a role just from the 2-pages of information detailed on their CV? It’s time to shift away from the idea of ‘replacing’ the workforce, and instead focus on ‘reshaping’ the workforce. Easier said than done, but Curious Thing’s Nishal Mistri has some ideas on how recruiters and TA Leaders can reshape their systems to better identify potential and hire quality talent every time.

Watch now.

Expand your mindset, expand your talent pool

With the ongoing closure of Australia’s physical borders – with no plans to open them anytime soon – it’s no secret that recruiters are needing to think creatively when it comes to sourcing talent. But even though we can’t get on a plane, the virtual boarders are wide open. Sarah Calverley is the Talent Sourcing Manager – Asia for Microsoft and says that there’s an abundance of talent out there for anyone willing to go looking for it in international markets.

Watch now.

Focus on you

Betting on You – How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career

When should you log-off for the day? How can you open yourself up to learning when you can’t bear the thought of looking at another screen? And is it really worth taking risks in the name of “innovation” when there is such a large amount of uncertainty in the market right now? As the global pandemic continues to rage and the boundaries between home and work become more and more fuzzy, it’s no wonder that burn-out is such a huge topic of discussion right now. And it’s a topic that Laurie Ruettiman knows all too well. After experiencing burn-out during the 2008-09 Global Financial Crisis Laurie realised she needed to stop letting her work define who she was. Here’s how she did it, and how you can do it too. 

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The top 5 difficult conversations recruiters have and how to master them

We all have them. Those hard conversations you know you need to have. The ones that make your stomach drop and your mouth go dry at the very thought of them. As recruiters we have to have difficult conversations all. The. Time. Whether you’re letting a candidate know they were unsuccessful, manage salary expectations, or provide a hiring manager with feedback around their interview style. Michelle Rushton outlines 5 difficult conversations that recruiters and TA leads often find themselves having, and some tips to make them more manageable.

Watch now.

Pimp your recruitment marketing

Critique my job ad

Have you ever come across a job ad on LinkedIn and thought “I don’t even know what role this company is hiring for.” When we’re busy, it’s so easy to quickly write out a big shopping list of skills, experience, and technical expertise, preface it with a company bio and call it a job ad. But when was the last time you critically reviewed your job ads? Sarah Liu – Founder and Managing Director of The Dream Collective –  leads a panel discussion reviewing some common mistakes, how to re-think the way you write your job ad, and some creative approaches you may not have even considered.

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Are you a storyteller or a story yeller?

This is the session we never knew we needed to hear. Have you ever thought of pitching your job opportunities like a movie script? When Jim D’Amico noticed that all his staff were binge watching House of Cards, he realised that the artform of storytelling could help Celanese engage with quality candidates. So hired a screenwriter to teach his team how to craft job opportunities that resonate. 

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Boost your capabilities for remote TA

Innovation: Technology isn’t Enough Anymore

If 2020 was about managing challenges, 2021 is about re-invention and transformation. After the mass disruption to the workforce we experienced last year, we all know that effective tech is just part and parcel of the recruitment process, but innovation is about so much more than just the platforms we use. According to Modern Hire’s EVP of Innovation Eric Sydell, it’s time for organisations to consider how they’ll differentiate themselves, provide an outstanding candidate experience, and drive better hiring decisions.

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How to develop your virtual hiring playbook

Frequent and extended lockdowns, travel restrictions, and social distancing have meant that recruiters and TA leads have been forced to move to an online model over the past 19 months. Like millions of other businesses around the globe, Spark Hire has seen their workforce grow since they moved to an all-remote environment in March 2020 which means they know a thing or two about virtual hiring. This is the ultimate playbook to work from when it comes to boosting your virtual hiring capabilities.

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How to master the art of virtual onboarding

How can you make a new hire feel welcome when you can’t greet them face-to-face? How do you give them ‘the tour,’ when their new office is just a new laptop in their existing home-office?  And what about introducing them to their new colleagues when welcoming them over a quick morning tea isn’t an option anymore? Enboarder has spent the last year helping some of the world’s leading employers master the virtual onboarding process, so they know a thing or two. In this presentation, their APAC Head of Customer Success shares the key things you’ll need to know to get virtual onboarding right for your new hires.  

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Make diversity a priority

Why it’s time to invest in women properly

Something’s gone horribly wrong. More and more companies are claiming to make a commitment to diversity, but with the gender pay gap in Australia still idling at 13.4% it’s clear that progress is slow. Similarly, many companies are struggling to achieve the well-reported benefits that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) bring to businesses. Well, Work180’s Angela McKenzie is here with the answer – and it’s simpler than you may think.

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How TA can stop the Gender & Diverse Pay Gap at the front door

In 2016, global beverage company Lion realised that in-spite of numerous diversity initiatives they still had a gender pay gap of 3.2% in their workforce – equal at the time to $6million and impacting 1,600 employees. As well as fixing the problem for existing employees by closing salary gaps, there were also numerous measures Lion needed to take to ensure this gap didn’t creep open again when it came to new hires. Clint Williams, Lion’s Talent Acquisition Leader, explains how they did it.

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Create a gold-star candidate experience

Doing “good” work, not just performing well

The Circle Back initiative is an industry-wide movement founded on the simple but monumental belief that people should be treated with respect. Seems like a no-brainer, right? But the reality is, so many organisations are so busy meeting the needs of their business, they fail to prioritise the needs of their candidates.  Steve Gard leads a panel discussion with leads from small TA, enterprise TA and RPO to discuss the real impact that focusing on candidate growth can have on your employer brand and talent pool.   

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See into the future

The Fearless Forecast – the New Now of Work and Possible Futures

Don’t you sometimes wish that you could look into a crystal ball and see everything you need to know about the next 5 years to succeed? Well, listening to Kevin Wheeler is sort of like that. Described as the Nostradamus of TA, Kevin’s Fearless Forecast tells you everything you need to know about the next 10 years. He’s able to look at the issues that presenting themselves in TA right now, and how global trends will help (or hinder) them. Trust us – you’ll be thinking about this one for days after you finish watching.

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Think like a Futurist in an Uncertain Present

The future doesn’t unfold chronologically. Pockets of emerging trends all around the world jostle around, accelerating and bumping into one another, and forcing change on us as our new reality. Futurist Reanna Browne is all about taking practical steps to make the future of work a reality. In this talk, you’ll learn how to anticipate, experiment, adapt, and lead the change, and make it all work for your TA team come Monday morning. Our favourite tip from this one? “Any statements we say about the future should of course sound ridiculous – the future unfolds via the ridiculous.”

Watch now.

All sessions from ATC2021 DIGITAL are available to watch on demand on the event platform to all registrants, whether they attended live or not. Can’t find your login details? Contact us.

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