Who has said or heard someone say “we need to make more data led decisions” this year? I expect all hands to be raised. When it comes to combining the human aspects of Talent Acquistion with those insights, it’s a tricky mix. *Reejig has put together a whitepaper on workforce intelligence and it’s a nice trick to have up your sleeve to explain the impact to your CEO.
When I first heard the term “Intermittent fasting”, all I could think of was “skipping breakfast” – and I had a similar thought when the new term “Quiet Quitting” came up a few weeks ago in my feed. Is quiet quitting a new trend or is it just not pushing yourself to burnout? Or some might say it’s just this generation being soft.
On the times I have been by the water cooler, the “what team activities can we do while working remotely” subject keeps coming up. And for some reason, us TA’s seem to be the ones asked to make these events happen so I found the biggest list of virtual team building ideas that I could.
Speaking of working remotely, I interviewed someone recently who openly said they were working two jobs, full-time and spreading their hours across different global time zones. Is this going to be “normal” in the future? Or is it already happening and people are just not telling their employers about it? Personally even the thought of doing two full-time jobs makes me go grey (greyer) but maybe I’m not from the hustle culture?
To finish up, I’m sure you were all aware of Yeezy day last week (insert sarcasm emoji here) and Kanye wasn’t happy about it. Regardless of your interest or disinterest levels in Yeezy’s, I think it’s nice to know that even with all that money, Kanye can’t afford punctuation.