Feeling burnt out? 5 tips for recruiters to rediscover their energy

It is pretty clear that every recruiter in the market has had their work cut out for them in this current climate especially across the Healthcare and Technology sectors.

The market is shifting in some locations with the US as a center of focus for layoffs. This has happened quite drastically from having to be quick, hire so fast, get things moving for the vacancies we have needed to fill.

Even though we are not seeing layoffs across Australia (yet?), it is making us all hold our breath for what is to come of this. Whilst the market adjusts itself, irrespective of where you are living, there are high chances that you may now be stuck feeling a little burnt out from the aftermath of zero hiring in 2020 to a crazy demanding hiring frenzy for many businesses since 2021 until now. 

It goes without saying, the demand for talent has been intense. The demand for the same talent makes it extra tricky!

This has meant extra pressure for recruiters out there. Keeping up with the pace for hiring has been nothing short of : go, go, go

Trying to streamline, come up with creative ways to attract, working on employer branding on a limited or no budget, reducing steps to a hiring process and negotiating more deliberately to beat our fellow recruiters to the competition.

It’s not the amount of work that causes burnout, but rather, the quality each recruiter wants to instill into the hiring process for better candidate experience and it translating to a happy hire in quick time.

That coupled with hiring manager ‘urgency’  = the ripple effect of pressure.

This part of recruiting never seems to change. 

If you are feeling like your energy has drained, read on.

Here are 5 tips for burnt out recruiters to rediscover their energy for their job!

  1. Take time out – even though your mind will be thinking of the millions of things you need to get done, to move, meditate, grab a coffee, meet a friend, listen to a podcast, exercise , go for a walk before you start your working day or try a walking meditation. It’s game changing. 15 minutes a day is all you need to start with.
  1. Plan your week ahead on a Sunday or even Friday! Prioritise what your must haves are and just do those. Don’t get swooped up by emails. Stick to your plan.
  1. Dedicate your time to one thing at a time. Don’t have your email open, be on the phone texting and be on a zoom call all at once. Focus on the present. Shut down all those browsers.
  1. If pressing things come up because HM demands have shifted, or candidates call you back ad hoc and you need to nurture them, look at your plan again and see what can be replaced with the now hot priority.
  1. Ask a colleague in the business or a fellow recruiter to be your check in buddy.  Vent, workshop, innovate and share challenges.  Remind yourself what you loved about recruiting and why you are still doing it!

    What would you add?

(Feature Image: Unsplash)

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