This Week In Talent (15 Apr)

Note From The Editor

I hope everyone had a great Easter! Me … well I accidentally slid down the stairs and broke my tailbone. Note to self … socks and carpet stairs don’t mix when you’re chasing your dog around the house.

Whilst I’ve been at home recovering from my bum bum injury – I’ve decided to go on a bit of a health kick. Worst timing because … I can’t run or do vigorous activity right now #lol BUT while I’m being a bit more sedentary at home with my donut pillow, what better time to make sure I’m eating my greens and staying off the booze. I’ve already seen the positive effects on my body and mind, so I’m keen to see how much more amazing life gets while I’m living the #health life!

I’ve also been spending time researching Careers Pages! I’m in the process of funkifying ours (in my 9-5 job) and I’ve been snooping other people’s pages to see who does a great Careers Page. Some of the obvious big names like Slack, AIrbnb and Pinterest do an awesome job – but I’m always open to suggestions to snoop on! If you know any companies doing things a bit differently when it comes to Careers Pages – I wanna know about it please! Share away 🙂 #SharingIsCaring.

Here Come Hot Desks and Zoom Rooms. And Holograms?

Thanks to COVID – a lot of companies are re-imagining their office spaces and what they will be used for moving forward. People don’t want to travel into the office to log onto a computer for 8 hours of admin work. This article outlines what some of the big players (in the US) are doing with their office spaces. Just FYI – you have to create a free login to read this one but it’s worth it I prommy.

How companies can reinvigorate collaboration post-COVID

As fancy new hybrid work models are rolled out in businesses around the globe, employees need to think about how they collaborate throughout the day and at what times. Scheduling a day in the office purely for collaboration work won’t be useful if you also need time on those days for solo focus work. This article got the cogs ticking over.

New job site reaches out to underserved job seekers

Jobs For Humanity is a brand new website hoping to take off across the globe. It focuses on 6 key areas: black leaders, the blind, single mums, refugees, citizens returning from incarceration, and the neurodivergent. I got super excited reading about it, and I hope it takes off here in Aus!!

Four workplace changes that women want now

Are you a bit sick of not seeing any gender diversity in leadership positions here in Australia? Gosh I could talk about this topic all day, and what I personally want to see happen – but instead, as the article suggests – here are four things that women want to happen. Now.

Employers need to ‘earn the commute’ of workers

Why should we travel all the way into the CBD to sit at a desk for 8 hours, when we could just do that at home? What’s the point? That’s the question being asked here … employers need to make it worth our while to commute in if they’re ever going to attract people back to face to face office settings. I’ve taken a couple of things away from this article … great read!

After Working at Google, I’ll Never Let Myself Love a Job Again

Ohhhhh juicy goss – an ex-Google employee speaks about her time working there. How what started off as the sexy job of her dreams, soon became hell after her manager (a massive creep) ruined it all for her and she filed a complaint with HR. A wake up call for anyone who lives and breathes their job (and works for someone other than themselves).

5 things a brain doctor does every day to stay mentally sharp

Whilst we all know a few of the common denominators for staying mentally sharp at work (aka stop drinking a bottle of wine every night, and try to get at least 7 hours sleep) this article had a few things I didn’t know could affect my mental capacity and ability to think clearly!

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