This Week in Talent (11 Mar)

Note From The Editor

This past week I returned to the office 2 days a week. WHOOP! I was so nervous about it. I started my last 2 roles remotely, so even though I’ve been working in my new role for the past 6 weeks … I hadn’t met my boss or any of my team in person yet. So I found myself waiting for the tram FULL of nerves like it was my first day again. Some things I discovered about returning to the office:

1. It takes me a long time to get ready for work. Like over 1 hour. During the pandemic I have gotten so used to working out, showering and eating brekkie throughout the morning and over lunch. So having to workout, shower AND eat breakfast first thing in the morning is unusual to me now. I didn’t time it well and ended up being late to work lelelelel.

2. The traffic is back to normal, if not WORSE. Took me 45 minutes to get to Spring St (Melb CBD) from Northcote on the tram. Not cool, man. Not cool.

3. Stretchy pants and tights are my best friend now. Comfort is queen.

I’m so lucky to work somewhere super flexible that offers a hybrid model for working, however I’ve heard some horror stories of people being “forced” back into the office full time. Gross. Would love to hear your stories … hit me up on LinkedIn!

At this rate, Australian women will wait 101 years for gender equality: Financy

*Sigh*… we went backwards in 2020 due to the pandemic, and it wiped out all the good work that has been happening over the past 10-20 years to address the gender pay gap and women still do more unpaid labour than men. This article outlines the current state of gender equality in Australia, and what needs to change.

The Ugly (Un)Employment Bias

Have you ever had a hiring manager that displayed employment bias aka a preference for a candidate who is employed over one that isn’t? I thought this was an interesting read, because I’ve seen this before where hiring managers will question the “real” reasons someone hasn’t been working recently … even though we’re in a pandemic. There is still that old concept of “oh but if they were a good worker, then the company would have kept them on.” Ergh. This article offers advice on how to attract unemployed people to your job adverts, and the importance of educating hiring managers on current unemployment stats. 

Don’t Call Me ‘Resilient’ – It Covers Up Systemic Racism

A great opinion piece and brand new podcast to go with it. Focusing on someone’s resilience can distract from the reason why they’ve had to build up this resilience in the first place. Focus on fixing the cause, and celebrate resistance over resilience.

The future of work after COVID-19

A report into the future of work, however with a different perspective where the researchers developed a proximity score for different types of roles. Rather than being sector focused, this report is split into role type across all sectors.

Strategies from Top Talent Leaders for a More Equitable and Inclusive Workplace

3 easy to implement strategies to prioritise diversity in your workplace. I thought this was a nice follow-on from Dr. Bree Gorman’s diversity article and recruitment checklist (if you haven’t downloaded it yet … get on that!)

The Big Comeback: Creating A Return-To-Work Strategy

We’re all working on perfecting the hybrid/remote working model at the moment, and slowly people are starting to re-enter the workplace. So why not share yet another ‘return to work’ article. I liked this one because it’s succinct, and focuses on the key things to get right. I feel the rest will come through trial and error.

LinkedIn’s new Marketplaces will help freelancers find work

Oooooooh it’s about time LinkedIn delved into this space. Their new marketplace will allow potential employers to compare rates of freelancers and the type of work they offer. Similar to Fiverr. Not sure yet if it will be available in Aus the same time as the US, but … it’s coming either way. Whoop.

Design Thinking and Employer Branding: The Intersection of Science and Creativity

Important! Getting everyone in a company onboard with employer branding … not just telling them what to do, but giving them some creative freedom to spruike the company in the way they feel is right. That’s where design thinking comes in when creating an employer branding strategy. Great article on why involving every part of the business in an employer branding strategy (not just the P&C team) yields the best results.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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