Hi there,
So first off the bat this week – our 2021 State of Talent Acquisition survey closes this Friday! All entries help us to create a snapshot of the TA industry in Australia and New Zealand right now and provide a clearer view of what we’re all feeling, and what we all need to focus on as an industry. There’s enough data out there from the US and Europe, and we need more insights about our own region!
Click here to do the survey and go in the draw to win a $500 Visa Card (whoooop!).
On to other business – this and this.
LOL now that’s over, onto real business. I’m trying to find new and exciting ways to spice up our recruitment strategies at work – upskilling the team to be more strategic with their recruitment methods is a goal of mine, and we’re getting there slowly. I’m keen to chat with anyone who has had success in creating a bit of a standardised strategy doc for their hiring managers? Like – some sort of hiring manager ‘one pager’ to send to them after your job briefing/intake meeting where you outline the role, the recruitment strategy proposed etc. Have you got one? Share it with me please! #SharingIsCaring
I thought this was cool this week too – Twitter for Business! I know a lot of companies currently use Twitter, and recruiters. I’m interested to see where this goes!
Have a great week!
So whilst agile working environments aren’t new, I haven’t seen or experienced an agile recruitment process before. I am LIVING for this. This article has lit a fire inside me, and now I’m ready to take our current process and burn it to the ground so I can implement THIS agile recruitment process! Get amongst this asap!
An interesting article that came out on the ABC News website last week. Many internal Talent Acquisition peeps started out their careers in agency recruitment (as did I!). I have very fond memories of working in agency land – I wouldn’t be the TA practitioner I am today if it wasn’t for my time in agency. It is a sales environment though, and whilst I don’t doubt that the anecdotes in this article are true – I feel there would be similar practices/experiences happening within any sales environment.
It’s concerning that articles like this are the norm now – what are you doing in your workplace to ensure gender equity and equality? Remembering that a woman has to work 61 extra days a year to earn the same as the average male.
Does a day go by where I don’t dream of a shorter work week where I earn the same money for less hours worked? Nope. Here’s another article highlighting the benefits of a 4-day, 32 hour “full-time” work week. Oh and here’s another cheeky article if you decide you’re going to give it a go. Oh and THIS article – Envato are leading the wayyyy. (And yes … I have another 4-day week coming up cause it’s my BDAY this Friday and no one is allowed to work on their bday, even in lockdown!)
This is an interesting tactic to entice people back into hospo work (after the hospo workers we did have had to find other jobs in lockdown.) Could this be the next big “work perk” here in Aus? All I know is I need someone to staff my favourite pub when we reopen in 4 weeks, cause I’m coming in HOT!
Eye-opening stories that will really make you rethink the way you recruit. It’s such a shame when you’ve got great talent that desperately want to find meaningful work, and they just can’t land a gig. The job search process can be soul-destroying, and it’s up to us to make it … NOT that way.