Talent Practitioners

Do you have a Talent story that you’re particularly proud of? Or a piece of content you are keen to share to a wider audience. Let us know!

BLOG – We share lots of different styles of content – musings, thought-provoking articles, research outcomes etc. Send your article or query to our Editor.

SPEAK – Send a session overview on your topic to our Curator and you could be speaking at our next conference.

ATTEND –  Join 500 of your peers at the Australasian Talent Conference to learn, connect, explore new Talent technologies and more!

RESOURCES – Share your templates or resources: We’ve been sharing free practitioner supplied Talent resources and slide decks for our community for over a decade – back when people were still learning about what crowd sourcing and open sourcing was all about.

TALENT STORY – Our Talent community is at its best when its helping each other. By opening the door to your Talent function and sharing your initiatives you’re helping to improve the way we recruit in Australasia.

Here’s how to structure your Talent Story. Feel free to add video, images and work examples to make your story come to life!


  • Your name and position title
  • Company Name
  • Company Overview


  • The problem you were experiencing
  • What compelled you to act


  • Tell us about your solution/project/initiative


  • Who did you need to buy in?
  • What did you need to make it happen?


  • Metrics on time, $, %
  • Feedback from team/candidates/business


  • Your learnings, what you’d do differently


  • Final message
  • Opportunity for people to get in touch (if you’re keen for that!)

Feel free to email jo@atcevents.com.au or call +61 0417 188 697 if you’d like to talk through story ideas or understand more.