ATC2024 Annual Conference

Thank you for a brilliant two days

Think Big. Think Practical. Think Again.

ATC2024 was held on 14 & 15 October at Melbourne’s most iconic venue – Fed Square.

This years theme was: 

💡 Think Big: From Creating a Talent Strategy to Leading a Transformation to Developing an Internal Talent Board, Talent Leaders shared the inner workings of their most impactful initiatives.

🛠️ Think Practical: Boots on the ground. Working at the coalface. Managing that requisition load. We focused on the “doing” and learning directly from Talent Specialists.

⚡ Think Again: We dove deep, analysed, and experienced the 5+5 which gave us so much food for thought. 

Expand your network with hundreds of Talent Leaders at ATC2024

Sponsor & Expo

Hundreds of senior talent leaders and professionals attend ATC each year, many of whom are looking for new and innovative solutions to common challenges they’re facing. Want to join us next year? 

Get in touch with Jo Vohland, at or call +61 417 188 697.