Gen Z (circa 19–28yo) have been dubbed ‘the visual generation’. They are not only digital natives but where other generations may lean towards Google or Google Maps to find a service or recommendation, Gen Z prefers social media. The content here is short, highly visual and very engaging. Spending a whopping 7.3 hours on their phone and online per day, Gen Z are highly influenced by social media personalities and trends. To attract this cohort, you must embrace and adapt to the forms of communications that cater to their preferences of this group that now make up one firth of Australia’s population and workforce.

Mils will share:

  • How to create compelling campaigns tailored to resonate with Gen Z candidates;
  • The role of influencers in amplifying your brand message and reaching a wider audience;
  • Examples of successful content and why it hits the right mark;
  • Mastering advanced search and filtering techniques to reach Gen Z talent on social media;
  • The use data insights to optimize your strategies and enhance outcomes;
  • Staying informed about the latest trends and tech that Gen Z engages with.

Join us as we unlock the doors to a world of endless possibilities in talent attraction and sourcing specifically targeted at Gen Z.