Polinode is a leading provider of organisational network analysis software and solutions for enterprises. Established in 2014, our online platform is used by both Fortune 500 enterprises and large consulting organisations around the world for a variety of applications including: identifying emerging and/or hidden talent; improving collaboration; finding influencers; succession planning; organisational design; and diversity and inclusion. From a talent perspective, we utilise LinkedIn data to map a “talent ecosystem” as an interactive network.
We support both active organisational network analysis, i.e. asking questions like “who do you go to for advice?” and mapping the interactions between employees that way, as well as passive organisational network analysis, where you use a data source such as email metadata to understand how people are collaborating and working together. In addition to providing our online Software-as-a-Service solution we also work alongside enterprises to assist with the collection and analysis of network data to help drive positive change.