ATC2024 Drop In Expo Ticket T&Cs

14th October from 2pm – 4pm
15th October from 8.30am – 10.30am

Fed Square Melbourne




A Drop In ticket is valid only for your registered day sand strictly between the following hours:
– Day 1: Monday, 14th October between 2pm – 4pm; or
– Day 2: Tuesday, 15th October between 8:30am to 10:30am.

Drop In tickets provide access to: Talent Tech Expo, and Afternoon or Morning Tea and Coffee;

Drop In tickets do not provide access to any Speakers, Sessions or Content;

Drop In tickets are limited and available until sold out;

Drop In tickets are $35 + GST each, no discounts apply;

Credit card payments only;

Drop In only tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable;

Drop In tickets are only available to members of the Talent Acquisition/HR/Recruitment profession. ATC exercises its right to prohibit people from attending or obtaining a refund that are not part of the Talent Acquisition and HR Community. If you would like clarification on this, please email




The Ticket holder, in submitting a registration form to Australasian Talent Conference Pty Ltd (“ATC”) also known as ATC Events & Media (“ATC Events & Media”) for attendance at the Conference (“Event”, “Drop In”, “Expo”, “Party”), agrees to observe and abide by the Terms and Conditions set forth below and by such additional Terms, Conditions and Rules made by Australasian Talent Conference Pty Ltd (“ATC”) on notice to the Ticket holder from time to time for the efficient or safe operation of the Conference.


The fee payable by Ticket holder under this Agreement is the amount stipulated on the registration form and is due and payable on the date of submission of such registration form with ATC.

Credit card payments only. No tax receipt will be issued unless requested by the ticket holder.


All Cancellation Policy conditions apply regardless of when a ticket is purchased.

All tickets purchased are non-transferable and non-refundable.

Tickets are not available to the general public. ATC has the right to cancel a ticket if the Ticket holder is not a member of the HR or Talent Professional Community or related roles and professions that have explicit permission to attend.


(A) If, because of public health concern, pandemic, epidemic, war, fire, strike, facility construction or renovation project, logistical problems, border closures, government regulation, public catastrophe, terrorist attack, act of God or the public enemy or other cause beyond the control of ATC (including without limitation in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic), the Conference or any part thereof is prevented from being held or the Conference Building or Exhibit Space or any part thereof becomes unavailable (in the reasonable opinion of ATC), ATC reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the event.

(B) ATC aims to ensure all event details are correct at the time of publishing and reserve the right to make changes to the event without prior notice.


(A) Neither ATC nor any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives shall be held liable for and are hereby released from, liability for any damage, loss, illness, harm or injury to the person or property of the Ticket holder, resulting from any cause whatsoever.

(B) The Ticket holder shall indemnify, defend, and protect ATC and hold and save ATC harmless from, any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, loss, costs, attorney’s fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature, which result from, arise out of or are connected with any acts, or omissions of the Ticket holder.

(C) In no event shall ATC be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether based upon lost goodwill, lost profits, or otherwise, and whether arising out of breach of any express or implied warranty, breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation, strict liability in term, or otherwise, and whether based on this Agreement, any transaction performed or undertaken under or in connection with the Agreement, or otherwise. In any event, and in no way limiting the operation of this clause 4, the Ticket holder agrees that the liability of ATC for damages, regardless of the form of action, shall be limited to the registration fee paid under by the Ticket holder pursuant to this Agreement.


(A) Neither ATC nor any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives shall be held liable for and are hereby released from, liability for any damage, loss, illness, harm or injury to the person or property of the Delegate, resulting from any cause whatsoever.

(B) The Delegate shall indemnify, defend, and protect ATC and hold and save ATC harmless from, any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, loss, costs, attorney’s fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature, which result from, arise out of or are connected with any acts, or omissions of the Delegate.

(C) In no event shall ATC be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether based upon lost goodwill, lost profits, or otherwise, and whether arising out of breach of any express or implied warranty, breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation, strict liability in term, or otherwise, and whether based on this Agreement, any transaction performed or undertaken under or in connection with the Agreement, or otherwise. In any event, and in no way limiting the operation of this clause 4, the Delegate agrees that the liability of ATC for damages, regardless of the form of action, shall be limited to the registration fee paid under by the Delegate pursuant to this Agreement.


Each of ATC and the Ticket holder hereby consents to the jurisdiction of Victoria having jurisdiction over this event for all purposes in connection with this Agreement and further consents that any process or notice of motion in connection therewith may be served by certified or registered mail or personal service, provided a reasonable time for appearance is allowed.


This Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of Victoria. This Agreement may not be amended or modified expect by a written communication by ATC.


If any part of this Agreement is found invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected and enforceable. Any ATC decision, selection of any course of action, or exercise of any right or remedy is at its sole option and discretion and does not waive or prejudice ATC as to any other choice. ATC’s failure at any time to require Ticket holder’s strict compliance with an any part of this Agreement shall not thereafter waive or reduce ATC’s right to require strict compliance with the same or any other provision of the Agreement.


The personal information which you provide to ATC during the registration process will be held by us on a database. Upon submitting your registration, you agree to receive communications from ATC, including marketing information, e-newsletters, and the latest offerings from third parties and our partners. You can customise which emails you receive by opting out of specific categories subsequently. ATC’s full privacy policy can be viewed here.

All ATC events are delivered in partnership with our trusted partners. If you register to attend the event, some of your registration information may be shared with our event partners who may then send you communications of their own.

The Ticket holder also consents to ATC, our event venues, and partners to use photos, images, film, and audio-visual taken of the Ticket holder during the event for advertising and promotional purposes in any medium ATC, the event venues, and partners chooses. The Ticket holder grants ATC perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images, film, and audio-visual for publicity and promotional purposes. Please contact ATC if you have any concerns.

Download a PDF copy of the ATC2024 Drop In Expo Ticket Terms & Conditions here.