
Professor Rajiv Khosla

Director Research Centre for Computers, Communication & Social Innovation|Director Research Centre for Computers, Communication & Social Innovation|Director Research Centre for Computers, Communication & Social Innovation @ La Trobe University|La Trobe University|La Trobe University

Professor Rajiv Khosla is the Director of Research Centre for Computers, Communication and Social Innovation (RECCSI). Rajiv Khosla has a multi-disciplinary background in management, engineering and computer science. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, a Master’s degree in Management and Systems, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Computer Science from La Trobe. He has been a visiting research scientist and professor at NEC corporation Japan, Kyoto University, Japan, Wayne State University, Michigan, USA, Uppsala University, Sweden, Stanford University, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Otago, New Zealand to name a few.

He has authored four research books in areas like Emotionally Intelligent Systems (to be published) , Human-Centred e-Business, Multimedia based Socio-technical Information systems, Engineering Intelligent Hybrid Multi-agent Systems. Additionally he has edited five books and published over 150 refereed journal and conference papers. His research has made significant impact nationally and internationally with more than 200 reports in 14 countries including 20 documentary films, TV science shows and videos, Radio interview, podcasts with ABC Radio, ABC TV New Inventors Program, Australian Government’s Brand Australia project, reports in major newspapers , citations of research in 15 US patents and collaborations with reputed international research institutions. He has filed patent, commercialized his research, and is director of Human Mind Innovations Pty, Ltd. .He has also successfully chaired large international conferences in intelligent systems.

He has received several research and teaching excellence awards and has pioneered the industry-orientation and design of undergraduate and postgraduate programs at La Trobe University.

He has been the Associate editor of the International Journal of Pattern Recognition (2000-2007), Regional editor of Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Springer-verlag), Action Editor of Journal of Cognitive Systems Research (Elsievier) and Associate editor of IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin.

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