Bryan Chaney is a global talent sourcing and attraction strategist. He’s worked at IBM, Twilio and currently leads employment brand for corporate recruitment at Indeed. Bryan has worked in recruitment, technology, and marketing, providing him insights into the marketing of hiring, the importance of technology and the buying process that candidates make when applying for jobs. The Huffington Post recently named him one of the Top 100 Most Social HR Experts on Twitter and you can find him at @BryanChaney |Bryan Chaney is a global talent sourcing and attraction strategist. He’s worked at IBM, Twilio and currently leads employment brand for corporate recruitment at Indeed. Bryan has worked in recruitment, technology, and marketing, providing him insights into the marketing of hiring, the importance of technology and the buying process that candidates make when applying for jobs. The Huffington Post recently named him one of the Top 100 Most Social HR Experts on Twitter and you can find him at @BryanChaney |Bryan Chaney is a global talent sourcing and attraction strategist. He’s worked at IBM, Twilio and currently leads employment brand for corporate recruitment at Indeed. Bryan has worked in recruitment, technology, and marketing, providing him insights into the marketing of hiring, the importance of technology and the buying process that candidates make when applying for jobs. The Huffington Post recently named him one of the Top 100 Most Social HR Experts on Twitter and you can find him at @BryanChaney |Bryan Chaney is a global talent sourcing and attraction strategist. He’s worked at IBM, Twilio and currently leads employment brand for corporate recruitment at Indeed. Bryan has worked in recruitment, technology, and marketing, providing him insights into the marketing of hiring, the importance of technology and the buying process that candidates make when applying for jobs. The Huffington Post recently named him one of the Top 100 Most Social HR Experts on Twitter and you can find him at @BryanChaney