
Adam Yearsley

Adam Yearsley is an Australian living in Austria and the Global Head of Talent Management at Red Bull and has been recognised for his work in developing cutting-edge tools and approaches in books, conferences, awards, scientific publications and patents. Adam’s work attempts to advance the understanding and prediction of career potential by leveraging Red Bull’s dominance in the field of business, marketing and sports, and drawing on I/O psychology to follow a scientific and evidence based approach to redesigning HR practice, reinforcing Red Bull’s culture, and drive high performance.|Adam Yearsley is an Australian living in Austria and the Global Head of Talent Management at Red Bull and has been recognised for his work in developing cutting-edge tools and approaches in books, conferences, awards, scientific publications and patents. Adam’s work attempts to advance the understanding and prediction of career potential by leveraging Red Bull’s dominance in the field of business, marketing and sports, and drawing on I/O psychology to follow a scientific and evidence based approach to redesigning HR practice, reinforcing Red Bull’s culture, and drive high performance.

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