What Is Your Dominant Trait?

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Agreeable? Overly conscientious? Are you open to innovation, or scared of it? Who do you work best with?
Find out by doing our ATC2015 Think Tank Personality Survey.
Once you’ve done the survey, come along to the ATC Think Tank session to find out how you can work better, collaborate effectively and manage teams of different personalities to promote a culture of innovation and success.
Join Simon Townsend, the Chief Innovation Officer at Allegis Global at the Think Tank on Thursday the 25th of June at 10:45am to understand what your results mean.
Some of the questions (there are fifty) may feel a little confronting but there are no right or wrong answers. If in doubt, go with your gut instinct. Please know that none of the information from the survey will be stored and used for anything other than to help you learn.
If you don’t feel like taking the survey that’s quite alright, you’re still very welcome at the Think Tank session.
See you at the conference!

If you want to join us at this year’s ATC2015  in there are still a few spots are still available, here.

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