Share your expertise and knowledge by completing this survey created by TA for TA.
2020 has thrown us and our TA functions upside down. Together, we are going to find out what the state of TA is out there – how deeply have they been cut, did our Talent Tech hold up to remote and virtual hiring, who is still hiring, has this period sharpened or weakened our focus on candidate experience and diversity?
Completing the survey will enter you into a draw to win A$500 + an additional A$500 to pay-it-forward to a fellow recruiter in need. Double the cash, double the love! ❤️❤️
The data collected will be reported back to the TA community in the form of a report and in a free virtual event.
Your contributions will also help to establish key benchmarks which you can subsequently use to gauge how you and your organisation are faring, relative to your peers in the market.
We estimate the survey will take 15 minutes to complete and we recommend completing it on desktop or laptop. Please also ensure that you complete the survey in one session. Survey closes on Sunday 18 October 2020 at 11:59PM AEDT.
We appreciate your time and contribution.
This survey was created in conjunction with Talent leaders Carrie Harding, Paul Martin, James Witcombe and Sarah Blanchard, as well as our partner Acendre.
Terms & Conditions
To enter the draw to win AU$500 + an additional AU$500 to pay-it-forward to a fellow recruiter in need, you will need to complete our ATC’s 2020 State of Talent Acquisition survey on or before Sunday, 18th October 2020 at 11:59PM AEDT. You can double YOUR chances of winning by completing an additional four benchmarking questions in the survey. The winner will be announced and notified via email and phone by Friday, 23rd October 2020.