We have some gems this week – an entertaining recruitment video from the US Danbury Police Department, the one piece of tech recruiting leaders cannot live without, perspectives from a tech developer/hiring manager who has been on both sides of the fence, and more!
Inside the minds of tech recruitment
A list of tech stacks on a resume means nothing nor do they prove anything says tech developer/hiring manager Aphinya Dechalert. So, what should we be looking out for when hiring developers? She shares more in this informative article.
The one piece of technology recruiting leaders say they can’t live without! #hrtechconf
Cue: It is not LinkedIn. Click to find out.
Danbury Police Department recruitment video
Following the fine efforts from the New Zealand Police and the People’s Liberation Army, here’s the US Danbury Police Department’s turn to impress with their new employer branding video.
Support for diversity fades: PwC’s 2019 Annual Corporate Directors Survey
A case of diversity fatigue? Only 38 percent of directors say that gender diversity is very important to their boards, down from 46 percent in 2018 – the lowest level since 2014. Food for thought. Read the gender-focus findings here.
What the new recruitment consultant looks like
Change is constant and whether we are ready or not, we are forced to consistently keep up. How we recruit yesterday may no longer be relevant tomorrow. Essential read.
Successful recruitment: It’s all about storytelling
Yes, we all love a good story, and it makes sense for us to understand how we can use it to attract the best candidates. Click to learn more.
Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!