This week we look at the 24 attacks that are commonly used to shoot down good ideas and 24 responses we can use to counter them, a massive voicemail recruitment fail, the challenges men face when asking for parental leave, and more!
Enjoy these musings!
How Facebook profile may have cost woman a job opportunity
Shocking voicemail fail that has left everyone who’s heard it lost for words. This brings to mind the candidates who came a cropper during the recent Federal Elections because of their questionable actions on social media. So where do we draw the line?
Discriminatory, hypocritical and narcissistic employers their own worst enemy
Shout out to our ATC2019 speaker Ross Clennett who was interviewed on A Current Affair for the above story. He wrote this timely article reminding us of the need to stay grounded and use empathy when hiring. Great read.
24 packets of wisdom to get your great idea off the ground
Here are 24 attacks that are commonly used to shoot down good ideas and 24 responses to counter them. Excellent weapons to add to your influencing armoury. Thanks Rebecca Houghton for the share!
The exclusion of men
Author Monique Evelyn Ward observes that many gender parity programs are run by women to support women and therein lies the issue – this suggests that women’s behaviours are the problem, rather than the system in which they operate. Excluding a historically dominant group – the men – from the conversations isn’t going to help with progress. So, what can we do? Click to find out.
Your stories asking for parental leave as a father
Check out this series of stories from fathers on the challenges they faced when asking for parental leave or flexible work. It seems unless you work in the medical science industry, or one of the big four banks, or for yourself, get ready for some tough and uncomfortable conversations with your boss.
7 really simple ways marketers can help HR
Interesting article written by a marketer for marketers that you can forward to your marketing team. Won’t hurt to give them a gentle nudge to say hey, we should probably work more closely together. Recruitment is marketing after all, right?
Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!