This Week in Talent (30 Aug)

We scoured the internet this week and found these for you – texting your candidates 101, tips on increasing your recruiting & sourcing efficiency, what a Buddhist nun can teach you about laziness and more.
Enjoy these musings!

To text candidates or not to text candidates?

Is texting emojis going to give you a leg up when recruiting? What do you think? We’d love to hear your thoughts.

5 tips to increase efficiency in recruiting and sourcing

Is your current hiring process giving you endless headaches? Check out these tips.

Is age the new frontier for diversity?

The best culture is a diverse one, but are we limiting our understanding of diversity to only a select few definitions? Perhaps it is time to expand that.

Working dad interview

According to research, gendered parenting attitudes still exist today, despite the progress we’ve made as a society. But that didn’t stop Macquarie Bank’s Associate HR Director, Andrew Wilson, from taking the plunge and going on parental leave. It certainly wasn’t all sunshine, lollipops and rainbows, as he soon realised, read his interview to find out more.

Wear it Purple day tomorrow

Reminder – it’s Wear it Purple day tomorrow. Let’s wear our best purple attires this Friday (31 Aug) to show support for LGBTIQ young people!

 The three kinds of laziness

What can a Buddhist nun teach us about overcoming laziness? Plenty as it turns out. Read on to find out.

Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!

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