Podcast: Talking root canal, ATS & A.I. with Rob McIntosh

“I would prefer a root canal than fill out an ATS job application,” says Rob McIntosh, from Olivia by Paradox.ai.
Yep, he does. According to him, the ATS is sorely lacking engagement and it has been the same way for the past 20 years. However, he reckons that with the increase in computing power and coming of age of A.I., this will improve quickly over the next 10 years.
Rob was the keynote speaker at the ATC2018 where he spoke extensively about the current state of artificial intelligence (A.I.) in Talent Acquisition (TA) and how it can play a role in improving candidate engagement and helping TA professionals become more efficient.
In this exclusive podcast recorded at the conference together with the folks from Alight Solutions, Rob recaps some of these discussions and challenges TA to look beyond transactional roles and to spend more time understanding the financials of how a business work so they can better tie their strategies onto the wagon.
Also listen out for a special guest appearance by Ross Clennett mid-way through the podcast, he provides a snapshot of what is happening in the recruitment agency world and gives his take on how A.I. is impacting them.

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