We hunt the web and found these for you this week – lessons from an engineer who interviewed over 400+ engineers, what bots can do for us, how to make an open salary model work, and more.
Enjoy these musings!
Why everyone is talking about bots for Talent Acquisition
Wonder why the buzz over bots? Here’s a great article from our friends over at Talent Tech Labs, breaking it down and showing what it all means to us – Talent professionals.
How and why an open salary model works
It’s may not be every organisation’s cup of tea, but there are some pros in adopting this salary model. Find out more.
My lessons from interviewing 400+ engineers over 3 start ups
Marco Rogers is director of engineering at Lever but has recruitment in his blood. Here he debunks some of the common recruiting practices and walks through his top 4 interviewing practices. Must read.
Here are 12 ways to make emailing a more effective tool for your team
We use emails everyday but are we using them productively? Here are some useful reminders.
Five effective candidate sourcing tricks you’re missing
The best sourcing approaches are usually grounded in about how well they enable you to connect with your candidates. Here are five ideas.
Do you have any exciting news to share? Reach out and let us know!